Interesting relationship between Musonius and Nietzche: - TopicsExpress


Interesting relationship between Musonius and Nietzche: coincidence or explication? Yet when we see acrobats face without concern their difficult tasks and risk their very lives in performing them, turning somersaults over up-turned swords or walking ropes set at a great height or flying through the air like birds, where one misstep means death, all of which they do for a miserably small recompense, shall we not be ready to endure hardship for the sake of complete happiness? For surely there is no other end in becoming good than to become happy and to live happily for the remainder of our lives Musonius Zarathustra, however, did not move; and it was right next to him that the body fell, badly maimed and disfigured, but not yet dead. After a while the shattered man recovered consciousness and saw Zarathustra kneeling beside him. What are you doing here? he asked at last. I have long known that the devil would trip me. Now he will drag me to hell. Would you prevent him? By my honor, friend, answered Zarathustra, all that of which you speak does not exist: there is no devil and no hell. Your soul will be dead even before your body: fear nothing further. The man looked up suspiciously. If you speak the truth, he said, I lose nothing when I lose my life. I am not much more than a beast that has been taught to dance by blows and a few meager morsels.By no means, said Zarathustra. You have made danger your vocation; there is nothing contemptible in that. Now you perish of your vocation: for that I will bury you with my own hands. When Zarathustra had said this, the dying man answered no more; but he moved his hand as if he sought Zarathustras hand in thanks. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:32:06 +0000

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