Interesting thing happened tonight as President Obama spoke in the - TopicsExpress


Interesting thing happened tonight as President Obama spoke in the capital of extreme liberal politics, San Francisco. When he began talking about immagration reform the hecklers spoke put. This is npt supposed to happen to the president in the San Francisco safe zone. This is why the president chooses to speak in San Francisco over...say...the coal belt town of Wheeling West Virginia. Im sure tjis administration was looking to take some of the heat of the Obamacare failures, the Benqazi scandal, the NSA spying scandal, the IRS scandal, the Senate fillabuster rule change, and the muclear deal that was made with Iran; with this stop in San Francisco. Unfortunately for president Obama, his performance as president jas been riddled with so many screw ups, that even his base og extreme liberal voters are running away from him President Obamas current approval rating is between 37 and 41%. Those are Carter/Bush numbers.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:40:53 +0000

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