International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Annual Report 2013 - TopicsExpress


International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Annual Report 2013 For All Humanity Any part of this annual report may be cited, copied, translated into other languages or adapted to meet local needs without prior permission from the International Movement. 1. Who We Are 2. Organisation Development 3. Working in Partnership 4. Working with our Partners via FIBCO 5. Working with our our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Federation (IFBC) 6. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the Diplomatic Corps (DCBC) 7. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Command (ICBC-Corps) 8. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Committee (ICBC) 9. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Conference (ICBCM) 10. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Church (IChBC) 11. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Commission (ICmsnBC) 12. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Coalition (ICoalBC) 13. Contact Information Who We Are The International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent® (IBC) is an international, non-profit, charitable, non-governmental, politically and religiously neutral humanitarian activism, advocacy and skills-sharing organisation with headquarters in the United Kingdom and Thailand. Our strength lies in our volunteer network of community-based humanitarian workers, activists, advocates, lobbyists, and educators who offer their skills in service For all humanity. We actively persuade decision makers to act at all times in the interests of vulnerable people and communities. We were created to enable all interested humanitarian workers, to offer their skills, in particularly to enable all interested humanitarian medical and healthcare professionals to offer their skills as humanitarian medics for the promotion of humanitarian community public health, to improve humanitarian standards, to poverty regions, disaster stricken or disaster vulnerable regions, to enable all interested humanitarian rescue workers to offer their skills in those disaster stricken regions, and to provide education programs in disaster awareness, preparation & prevention, survival skills, emergency planning in disaster vulnerable regions, so our members can assist, albeit in a small way to provide help, hope, and health for all humanity, thus we promote our organisations projects and programs with campaign slogans and mission themes such as help4humanity, hope4humanity, and health4humanity or simply H4H. Our programs help us improve humanitarian standards, asssist as partners in response to disasters, enable safe, secure and healthy communities, reduce vulnerabilities, strengthen resilience, and promote a culture of peace around the world. The IBCs objectives as set out in its constitution, is the effective delivery of humanitarian aid, activism, advocacy, lobbying, and skills-sharing, in particular, humanitarian medicine healthcare and emergency medic response to poverty stricken regions, and rescue response, post disaster trauma response, skills and services in disaster stricken regions, and disaster awareness and preparedness in disaster vulnerable regions, in co-operation with other specialised agencies, governmental and non-governmental organisations that are part of the Federation of International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Organisations (FIBCO). Organisation Development We continue to strengthen the capacity of our International Movement. Working in Partnership We continue to develop new partnerships with national and international NGOs and when possible bringing them in to the FIBCO National Committees of NGOs, whilst continuing to maintain good working relationships with longstanding partner NGOs on the Global Committee of FIBCO and the FIBCO National Committees.. Working with our Partners via FIBCO The Federation of International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Organisation (FIBCO) continues to work with our FIBCO Partners via the Global Committee of FIBCO and the FIBCO National Committees. During this reporting period a number of new NGOs have joined the Global Committee of FIBCO, and FIBCO National Committees. FIBCO National Committees have been involved in programs at national level to build capacity. FIBCO National Committees continue to align their activities with the Federation of International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Organisation (FIBCO) global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to meet the FIBCO mission of bringing NGOs together for collaboration. FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the Federation of International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Organisation (FIBCO), and its Global Committee of FIBCO, to provide governance to the National Committees. Working with our our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Federation (IFBC) The International Federation (IFBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners that are the IFBC National or State Societies, via the Global Committee of IFBC. During this reporting period a number of IFBC National or State Societies have been involved in programs at national and district level to build capacity. IFBC National or State Societies continue to align their activities with the International Federation of Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Societies global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to meet the IFBC mission of establishing and supporting its IFBC National Society network, and that each IFBC National Society complies and continues to maintain compliance with an established criteria. IFBC Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the International Federation of Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Societies (IFBC), and its Global Committee of IFBC, to provide governance to the National or State Societies. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the Diplomatic Corps (DCBC) The Diplomatic Corps (DCBC) and its Global Committee of DCBC continues to work with the Foriegn Affairs Offices of our bilateral IFBC Partners that are the IFBC National or State Societies, via the Global Committee of DCBC. During this reporting period the Diplomatic Corps of a number of IFBC National or State Societies have collaborated to provide outreach support to establish new IFBC National or State Society delegations, or have been working to support a number of established IFBC National or State Societies and their District Chapters, and a number of DCBC Envoys have been appointed to establish Diaspora Chapters and start implementing outreach support activities to countries where we do not have delegations or strengthen existing IFBC delegations. IFBC Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the Diplomatic Corps of Blue Cross & Blue Crescent (DCBC), and its Global Committee of DCBC, to provide governance to the National or State Societies Diplomatic Corps. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Command (ICBC-Corps) The International Command (ICBC-Corps) and its Global Committee of ICBC-Corps continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners that are the IFBC National or State Societies, via the Global Committee of ICBC-Corps, to develop uniformed Divisional Commands within the IFBC National Society delegations District chapters. During this reporting period the the International Command have appointed a number of Divisional Commanders to form Divisional Corps of uniformed members within a number of IFBC National or State Societies District Chapters. IFBC Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the International Command of Blue Cross & Blue Crescent (ICBC-Corps), and its Global Committee of ICBC-Corps, to provide governance to the National or State Societies National & Divisional Corps. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Committee (ICBC) The International Committee (ICBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners, to develop international programs, via the Global Committee of ICBC. During this reporting period a number of programs are being developed and implemented at national and district level. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to align their activities with the International Committee of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals of activism, advocacy, lobbying and skills sharing mission theme programs to meet the ICBC mission. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the International Committee of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent, and its ICBC Global Assemblies, to help develop and implement programs. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Conference (ICBCM) The International Conference (ICBCM) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners, to organise meetings and conferences at district, national, regional and International level, via the Global Committee of ICBCM. During this reporting period a number of meetings and conferences have been called and held by our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to align their activities with the International Conference of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Movements global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to organise meetings and conferences to meet the ICBCM mission. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the International Conference of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Movement, to organise events. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Church (IChBC) The International Church (IChBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners, to develop Diocese Congregations and Diocese Chapters within IFBC District Chapters and implement spiritual, religious and interfaith programs, via the Global Committee of IChBC. The International Church (IChBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners, ICBC-Corps, to develop Street Chaplains units within an ICBC-Corps Divisional Command, in collaboration with the International Command (ICBC-Corps) Global Committee of ICBC-Corps. During this reporting period a number of religious leaders and churches have started collaborating and have committed themselves to the Street Chaplains initiative. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to align their activities with the International Church of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescents global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to organise Diocese Chapters and Diocese Congregations, and develop the Street Chaplains initiative to meet the IChBC mission. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries religious leader delegates to the International Church of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent, to develop, organise and implement the spiritual, religious and interfaith programs. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Commission (ICmsnBC) The International Commission (ICmsnBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners, via the Global Committee of ICmsnBC, to develop self-regulation, auditing and provide advise and guidance on national legislation to our IFBC National Societies, and FIBCO National Committees.. During this reporting period limited progress had been achieved by the International Commission, however, ICmsnBC is a new component of the movement and will continue to develop and provide skilled National and District Audit Commissioners within each country so that IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners may in the future benefited from the activities of ICmsnBC. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to align their activities with the International Commission of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescents global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to self-regulate and audit to the standards being set by ICmsnBC. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries expert delegates to the International Commission of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent, to develop self regulatory and audit guidelines. Working with our bilateral IFBC Partners; via the International Coalition (ICoalBC) The International Coalition (ICoalBC) continues to work with our bilateral IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners, via the Global Committee of ICoalBC, to help organise our Ambassadors Against Corruption to register their National Society delegations with UNCAC Coalition. During this reporting period no progress has been made as yet to register any of our national societies, however, the Global Committee of ICoalBC will continue to assist our Ambassadors Against Corruption to register their National Society delegations with UNCAC Coalition. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to align their Anti-Corruption program activities with the International Coalition of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent global agenda which sets out a number of broad goals to meet the ICoalBC mission and that of the UNCAC Coalition. IFBC Partners and FIBCO Partners continue to send their countries delegates to the International Coalition of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent, and its Global Committee of ICoalBC, to register country delegations with UNCAC Coalition. Contact Information For further information specifically relating to this report, please contact: Dr Dyn Parry, Secretary-General, International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:39:28 +0000

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