Internet Marketing The risk of illegal SEO techniques and - TopicsExpress


Internet Marketing The risk of illegal SEO techniques and methods (Black hat) Some webmasters use company profile or less orthodox methods of SEO and even incorrect using spam techniques to artificially up a website in search engines. Obviously this affects the accuracy of search results and that is why search engines are constantly watching these spam techniques and sites that do these things are penalized or even banned. Thus, the ranking algorithms are adjusted continuously to prevent spam and irrelevant results. The following techniques are considered spam and therefore, DNL Web Design does not use and do not promote: - Automatic generation of web pages doorway; - Display of text false (cloaking) and forwarding false; - Very high density of keywords; - Keywords or hidden links; - Web pages loaded with irrelevant keywords; - Duplicate content on multiple websites; - Intentionally misspelled names of well known sites; - Centralized link farms and irrelevant; - Other methods that aim to trick search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask etc). You can get short term results but using the techniques of SEO, the site is exposed to a high risk that sooner or later these SEO methods will be discovered, and the site will be excluded or thrown to tail search ranking. DNL Web Design only uses only legal and ethical methods of SEO and only use SEO techniques that produce lasting results and according to the rules of search engines (White Hat) - Optimization of existing web pages, HTML pages and site content; - Building quality organic links; - Building relationships of win-win-win between webmasters, users and search engines; Using ethical SEO methods we can say that everyone is won, obviously less people who want to cheat. Search engines provide relevant results, users receive web pages whose content is consistent with the search terms entered and won the sites that are accessed by users who have the desired profile and potential customers are so real. The six best blog monetization methods Probably the first thing that went through your head when you started your blog was “how to draw money from it? .And if you say that you have not questioned it at first, because lets say you start blogging just for fun or for that he wanted others to share your ideas, along with safety you wondered how you could get and some money from blog. In this article I will present the best six ways to make money through your blog. But you need to know from the beginning that to make serious money, you need a lot of traffic quality. Ten visitors per day you will not make even 1 Euro per month. So, here are six ways: 1. Google Ad Sense Thats probably one of the most popular blog monetization methods and sometimes can be very effective. On this blog I wrote several articles about how to optimize your blog for Ad Sense. Unfortunately, many blogs (with content in a different language than English) not really make a substantial income from Ad Sense, because the CPC is very low. Although there are advertisements that pay tens of Euros, most of the ads will get you a few cents only. You must be very careful if you think it is worth stressing your readers with ads for a few cents. But if your blog is about an area like insurance or loans, you could get good money from Google Ad Sense. 2. Affiliate Programs Affiliate marketing is to promote a product of another person in exchange for a commission. Probably the best known affiliate program knows is ViralURL which has many campaigns available, some with commissions up to 20%. To get big money from affiliate programs, you need a blog niche focused only on one field. If you say you have a fashion blog, you can enter an affiliate program; you make an account, enter the campaign manager, go to the fashion category and apply to all campaigns. Even if you wont promote all their products, you should be enrolled in all campaigns, in case you ever want to promote another product. You’ll find some companies offering lower commissions and other companies will offer larger ones. Also, be careful about the recurrence time. Ideally, you should choose a campaign that gives you a large commission and has a recurrence period of at least 3 months. Also, there are some campaigns that offer lower commission, but convert better. For that, you can follow ViralURL, for example, as do many case studies and statistics provide the most profitable campaigns .Sometimes it is better to join in a campaign that offers only a 5% commission, say, but the conversion rate is 5 times higher than any other program that offers 10% commission and have a much lower conversion rate. 3. Selling your own product If you own a product, for example an e-book, you can make big money promoting your product using your blog .Here it is important to have a niche blog, because as you have an audience interested in a specific area as with the greater will be the conversion rate. Of course, for that will have your blog readers to trust you and be happy with your articles. To be successful, you must show your readers that you are an expert in that field, so youll convince them that your product deserves to get purchased. It also matters a lot how you promote your e-book site, but well talk about that in another article. 4. Selling advertising space on site This is another great way of monetization of the blog, with pretty good results and. The idea is that if you have an interesting blog with high traffic and good quality content, you can find companies and individuals to give you a certain amount per month for placing a banner on your site. The most common places for placement of banners are: · At the top, a banner size 468x60 or Leader board (728x90). Usually these banners you can ask for more money because they are positioned at the top of the page and will get many clicks. · In the sidebar, banners dimensions 125x125 in general. Some are already optimized Word press themes for such banners, but you can find free plug-in for it. · In the articles, or their end. These banners will be the most expensive, as they that the more exposure and will probably get the most clicks. 5. Selling Links One other effective method that can bring tens of Euros every month without you doing anything is to sell links on your site. Usually you place these links in the sidebar or footer, so they are visible on all pages on the site. Here, price depends heavily on Page Rank site you have the first page of your site. As have a higher Page Rank, the more money you can ask for a link. It also affects the price of a link and traffic, but usually those who buy these links, do it for SEO benefits, and not for traffic. 6. Sponsored Articles This method requires slightly more effort than the previous one, but is also quite effective. If you have a blog with high traffic and eventually have a pretty good Page Rank, you can write sponsored, or reviews at various sites for a fee. The disadvantage is that usually you will have to write that article and you will be paid only once, as opposed to selling links, which will bring you money every month. If you want to make money from sponsored, you can register on blogmoney; you make a blogger account, register your blog and then applied to the campaign. Pay attention to the amount you bid. There are many bloggers who are willing to write sponsored articles for very small amounts of money, so be careful not to bid too much, otherwise you will not be accepted. Of course, there are many other ways to monetize your blog, but they are probably among the most efficient you can use and what matters is that they are applicable to any kind of niche. For more info please visit my website >> Entrepreneurs Wanted For more info please visit my website: Simple and Brilliant Home Business Opportunity following the next link >>
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 13:17:43 +0000

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