Interpretation Challenges Job • The most critical challenge of - TopicsExpress


Interpretation Challenges Job • The most critical challenge of interpretation has to do with the main message of the book. Although often thought to be the primary subject of the book, the question of why Job suffering is never revealed to Job, though the reader knows it has to do with God is showing something Satan, an issue that completely transcends the capacity of Job understand. Comment by Santiago in the case of Job (5:11) concludes that it was to show compassion and mercy of God, but without apology, no explanation provides specific suffering of Job Readers will find themselves, placing his hands full of dilemmas over their mouths, without any right to question or accuse the wise and powerful Creator, he will do as he pleases, and to do this, first demonstrated his purposes in the spiritual realm to angels and demons on the other hand defines compassion and mercy. Getting into the theodicy, ie mans attempt to defend Gods relationship with calamity and suffering, is shown as appropriate in the circumstances, but in the end it is apparent that God does not need or want a lawyer human. The book of Job incisively illustrates Deuteronomy 29:29: The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. • The nature of guilt and innocence of Job raises questions perplexing. God said that Job was blameless and upright, fearing God and shunned evil (Job 1: 1). But Jobs comforters made a criticism based on the suffering of him: Had not Job sin? On several occasions Job promptly admitted sin (7:21; 13:26). But Job questioned how sin was compared with the severity of their suffering. God ultimately rebuked Job for their demands to be justified accusations of dildos (Job 38-41). But He also stated that what Job said was right and what was wrong dildos said (42: 7). • Another challenge is to maintain separate preentendimientos Job and dildos brought the suffering of Job. In the beginning, everyone agreed that God punishes evil, reward obedience and can not be exceptions to the rule. Job because of his innocent suffering, he was forced to conclude that the exceptions are possible and that the righteous also suffer. He also noted that the wicked prosper. These are more than minor exceptions to the rule, thus forcing Job to re-think its simple understanding of the sovereign Gods interaction with his people. The kind of wisdom that comes to adopting Job did not depend merely on the promise of reward or punishment. The long and irrelevant disputes between Job and his accusers were attempts to reconcile the perceived inequities of Gods retribution on the experiences of Job. Such empirical method is dangerous. Finally, God offered no explanation for Job, but rather called on all parties to a deeper level of trust in the Creator who rules over a world confused by sin with power and authority led by wisdom and mercy perfect. • Understand this book requires: 1. Understand the nature of wisdom, particularly the difference between the wisdom of man and God. 2. Admit that Job and his friends had no divine wisdom to interpret the precise circumstances of Job, but his friends were still trying while Job learned to be content sovereignty and mercy of God. • The point of change of address or resolution to this issue is found in Job 28 where the identity of divine wisdom is explained: the divine wisdom is unique and invaluable; man can not wait to buy it; and God has in its entirety. We may not know what is happening in the sky or what Gods purposes are; but we must trust Him. Because of this, the issue of suffering believers takes a back seat beside the matter of divine wisdom.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:40:00 +0000

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