Interpretation from BOOK JESAYA Introduction to Final - TopicsExpress


Interpretation from BOOK JESAYA Introduction to Final Testament Before we discuss them , let us consider for a moment the first two words of God contained in the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad personally al - Amin . Those to whom We gave the Book ( Jews and Christians in particular ) , know him ( ie recognize Muhammad ) as they recognize their own children . , But there settled some of them conceal the truth while they know . ( Quran Surat al - Baqarah 2:146 ) Those to whom We gave the book to him ( especially Jews and Christians ) , its self-defeating , to know him ( Muhammad ) as they recognize their own children . ( Quran Surat al - An `am 6:20) Well , we are all Muslims , have a duty to reveal the truth that has been hidden by the the wicked among the Jews and Christians for we preach to the whole world , so that they wake up and go back into the real love of God , which is through the instructions Kalky Authar , Spirit of Truth promised , Prophet Muhammad . Prophet Muhammad al - Amin , born on Monday 12 Rabi early years coincided with the elephants or 570 AD . Born of a mother named Siti Aminah bint Wahab and his father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib , the descendants of Bani Ismail , the son of the great Prophet Ibrahim promised by God , and is a brother of the Prophet Isaac , son of Abraham, which lowers Siti Sarah Major Prophets to Israel. On a night the 17th of Ramadan , in conjunction with the August 6 610 41 AD 203 years of his birth or when the noble old man who dubbed the al - Amin as it reaches 40 years 6 months 8 days ( Qamariyah year / month ) or aged 39 years 3 month 8 days ( years Syamsiah / Sun ) , Angel Gabriel came down to him being be alone in the Cave of Hira to convey the revelation that has been established by the Lord , and declare the word of God that on that night he was appointed as the Prophet and Messenger of God , became the successor to the minutes of the previous prophets . In one hadith which tells the story of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad stated , It has come as the angel Gabriel to Muhammad and said , Read ! , With a shocked and fearful Muhammad replied , I can not read . , He said again , Read ! , Muhammad again replied , I can not read , then the angel holding the body of Muhammad and shouted back : Read ! , Muhammad replied : What would I read ? , Then the angel Gabriel said : Read in the name of your Lord who has created . He had made man from a clot ( alaq ) , Read ! Because your Lord, the Exalted ! , Are taught with the Pen ( science ) , Teaches man what he knew not . ( Quran Surah Al - Alaq 96 verses 1-5 ) Genesis Prophet Muhammad get a revelation has been ternubuat in the Book of Isaiah 29:12 : And the book was given to a man who knows no read on to say : Read this , he would have replied : I can not read . ( Isaiah 29:12 ) In the history of the other , when the Prophet Muhammad first got the revelation from God through the intercession of the angel Gabriel in exile in the Cave of Hira , where at that time he complained about this to his wife , who then Khadijjah by his wife s cousin also to confirm that the the adherents of Isa al - still , Waroqah bin Naufal . There Waroqah son narrated that Muhammad Naufal states that have received a great Namus as it has been received by Moses , and he is a prophet of God . The word great Namus ( an- namusl - akbar ) by some authors next era - era given annotation , that namus means is Gabriel . While one of the orientalist named Montagomey Watt namus notes that the word is taken from the Greek noms which means law or the revealed scriptures . Waroqah bin Naufal will believe in the prophethood of Muhammad himself , though not in a long time because he died before Muhammad begin his call to humans that get challenge , expulsion , torture to assassination attempts . ( Quoted from the book History of Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husain Haekal ) Dipasalnya others , namely article 42 , Jesaya foretold the coming of the holy man of God s choice as follows : Behold , my servant is Kupapah , my chosen one , to whom I am well pleased . I have put my Spirit upon him , that he may declare a law to unbelievers . He will not shout or their voice or make itself heard in the street . A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick will not turned off , he will declare the law with the truth . himself he will not fail and will not be discouraged, till laws already set on the earth ; every island would expect teaching . ( verse 1 s.d. 3 of Jesaya 42 ). Tafsir / Explanation : That God called Muhammad as a chosen servant as well as in Quran Surah al - Israa ( 17 ) verse 1 God called the Prophet Muhammad as a slave and the Quran sura . Al - Baqarah ( 2 ) as paragraph 143 of his choice , where God pleases him in the sense of deciding to choose it as the apostle who called truth against infidels . Say : I am not the first apostle among the apostles , and I do not know what will be done with me and not against you . I do nothing but follow what is revealed to me and I am nothing but a warner who gave an explanation . ( Quran Surah al - Ahqaaf 46:9 ). Muhammad is no more than an Apostle , indeed elapsed before the Apostles . ( Quran Surah Ali Imran 3:144 ). God has chosen Muhammad and truth guide him beaten path desired by him , stay away from any form of worship of ignorance , since childhood he has been referred to by the people as al - Amin ( the trustworthy , honest man , a true man - the Bible is also called the Spirit of Truth ) . God has granted the Prophet Abraham in Genesis 17:18 that Ishmael lived alone before Him . With the seed of Ishmael Allah will clear his name , bringing up his religion , bestows His bounties and favors as well as his entire kingdom as embodied in Matthew 21:43 and Deuteronomy 32:21 . While Jesus was supposed Christians are children of God and even God himself , and they will be angry if we say that Jesus is just a servant of the servants of God as others . As God gives his spirit to the chosen servant in the above paragraph is just as he has given to all his creatures , as contained in paragraph 5 of the same chapter as well as contained in the Book of Joel 2:28 : So then than it would be , that I have poured out my spirit upon all men . ( Joel 2:28 ) And the servant s call options against unbelievers is thorough without being limited by place and region , according to the prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad as universal . Prophet Muhammad never shout in prayer to God and also never loud voice in giving instruction to his people , he even expressly forbid such acts would cause only disrupt / disturb others who may be in need of tranquility or concentration to something other , and this corresponds with the 2nd paragraph . Call upon your Lord to humble themselves and with a soft voice . Truly Allah loves not transgressors . ( Quran Surah 7:55 ) And call it in your heart to the Lord humbled himself and scared . , And do not amplify sound in the morning and evening . (Quran 7:205 ) And how simple and humble you in running your voice . As bad sound is the sound of a donkey . (Quran 31:19 ) And some other verses that have a similar meaning as for example embodied in the Quran sura 49/2 , 49/3 and so on . In this prophecy , Jesus is not at all appropriate figures to be included because in many chapters and verses of the Bible tells how Jesus repeatedly menyaringkan voice , both when he cried out to God and also in teaching to humans . John 7:28 : Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice in the temple when he was teaching ... Matthew 27:46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice ... Matthew 27:50 Jesus cried out again with a loud voice ... And many other passages that describe that Jesus had loud voice and even shout to God and man in prayer and said , even he also does not prohibit people who do it with him , as is found in the history of Luke 19:37 : As he approached Jerusalem , at the descent of the Mount of Olives , the disciples began to accompany all rejoice and praise God with a loud voice ... Besides the above paragraph is contrary to the book Jesaya article 42 , paragraph 2 , also contrary to the verses of the Quran sura al - Hujuraat below: O ye who believe, do not raise the voice over the voice of the Prophet , and do not say to him in a loud voice .... ( Quran Surah al - Hujuraat 49:2 ) Verily those who lowered his voice in the Prophet they are the ones who have their hearts tested by Allah for the pious . ( Quran Surah al - Hujuraat 49:3 ) Then , as prophecy Jesaya above , the struggle in communicating the message chosen servant of God to man is not going to be defeated and broken spirits up enforced truth of God on this earth . Obviously referring to the Prophet Muhammad himself , he has managed to successfully convey his mission to mankind , establish a community that is fair , civilized and godless until he passed away peacefully on Monday , 12 Rabi al - beginning of year 11 Hijriah . Name magnitude remain immortal until now , even his enemies also have flattered , admired him as a person The most successful in the history of the Prophet . If we measure greatness by influence , he was a giant of history . He fought improve the spiritual and moral stages of a nation sunk in barbarism because of the heat and aridity of the desert . He managed more perfect than any reformer ; has never been a person who was so successful in realizing the dream - dreams like him , Will Durant wrote in The Story of Civilization against the Prophet Muhammad himself . He came like a spark of light from the sky , falling kepadang barren sand , then blow up a grain of dust into the sky from the burning gunpowder Delhi to Granada . Add Thomas Carlyle in On Heroes and Hero Worship . With the amount of information they have , Durant and Carlyle tried to describe the greatness of the Prophet . They never met the noble Prophet . They never see the face or hear his voice . They do not even believe in that which was brought by the Prophet . They just watched through the sheets history they studied . Muhammad as prophets of God that others , came not just to teach prayer and prayer . He was a revolutionary who led a group of oppressed against injustice prevailing system . He appeared to guide the Mustadhafin to change his destiny and oppose the so stop Mustakbirin greed . Therefore , he supported a small and hated by most of the people in power. Recognition of the greatness and success of the Prophet Muhammad is not only arise Amongst the Orientalists , even honestly , Prof. . K.S. Rama Krishna Rao , a Head of the Department of Philosophy at the Academy of Art Maharani , Mysore - Indians who are Hindu , in his book Muhammed The Prophet of Islam has declared admiration . ( ) Michael H. Hart author of the book One hundred most influential figures in the history of the Christian adopts Trinity - even acknowledge the success of the Prophet and put him in the list of the first order of the characters , figure exceeds even his own idol , Jesus . Obviously Michael H. Hart is not a fool that s just to make his choice . He has degrees in four disciplines DR , namely Mathematics ( Cornell University 1952) , Law ( New York University 1958), Chemistry ( Edelvi University 1968) and the field of Space ( Princeton University 1972) . But what a commentary in the description of the first book ? The fall of my choice to the Prophet Muhammad in the first order of the list of one hundred influential figures in the world may surprise while readers may be a question mark and some others . , But I hold to my belief , he was the Prophet Muhammad , the only man in history who were successful - a tremendous success , both judging from the size and scope of secular religion . Indeed in the Messenger that there has been a good role model for you . ( Quran Surah al - Ahzaab 33:21 ) History also proves , Jesus did not succeed in conveying the greatness of God to his people , the Children of Israel . Even in tragic struggle depicted in the Bible it must be defeated Jesus on the cross in a long while he was being chased and about to be killed by his enemies . So once again it is clear that this prophecy is not drawn to Jesus , but more precisely to the Prophet Muhammad himself . Thus says God , the Lord , who created the heavens and stretched it out , who spread out the earth with all growing on it , who gives breath to the human beings who possess it and life to those who live on it . ( Paragraph 5 ) I am the Lord who has called you the truth , have been holding your hand : I provide for you and gave thee the covenant to the people as a light to the Gentiles. To open the blind eyes , to bring people locked in prison and those who sit in the dark - matter you remove it from the cage . ( Verse 6 to 7 ) That God has called the Prophet Muhammad with the truth , that God has sent revelation to him for declare all the Truth and falsehood undo things . I am the God , thats my name I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols . Prophecies ago has now become a reality , the things that I told was about . Prior to the things that appeared , I proclaim to you . ( Verse 8 s.d 9 ) That the Prophet Muhammad called for people not to worship other gods other than Allah which stands alone , childless and not born in any sense and no one can match him . Sing a new song to the Lord and praise Him from the ends of the earth Let the sea and everything in them rumble and the islands with all its inhabitants . Let the wilderness and all its towns loud his voice , as well as the entire village is inhabited by the people of Kedar ( verse 10 sd 11 ) Kedar name is mentioned again here , that is the ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad who was born as the second son of Abraham ( see article : Interpretation of Genesis) . And once again this does not apply to self- Jesus or other prophets of the Children of Israel . That God through the Prophet Muhammad would unify the entire Land of Arabia , to unite all descendants of Kedar , unite all generations of Abraham, along with the entire human race from all over the world in a series of home Hajj Allah , Kaaba , Mecca al - Mukarromah as contained in chapter 60 verse prophecy Jesaya 7th : All the sheep of Kedar shall be gathered to you , everything will be delivered piping ram Nebaioth gunamu , it all went up my altar , dedicated to the pleasure of the heart , the noble house that my ( Kabah ) will I also glorified . The interpretation of the Kaaba as the house of God which is contained in the above 60:7 Jesaya our own lean against paragraph Bible 11th in the same chapter : Then all the gates will be open always , both day and night he was not closed , so that brought in you will be the army of the infidels and all the king was delivered . Verse 11 we interpret applicable to reality before us , that the city of al - Mukarromah Mecca where the Kaaba as the house of God is always open for those who want to worship God , to those who are aware of all their disbelief , both old , young , big , small , people to the king without distinction as to race , ethnicity, class and rank their worldly position . Completely mixed into the people before God , because God will not judge all of it except their piety to Him . O mankind , We created you from a male and a female and made you nation -states and tribes that ye may know each other - knowing . Verily the noblest among you in the sight of God is the most pious among you . ( Surah al - Hujuraat 49:13 ) And when We made the House ( ie the Kabah ) a gathering place for people ... ( Surat al - Baqarah 2:125 ) Allah has made the Kaaba , the shrine at the center ( of worship and world affairs ) to humans ... ( Surat al - Maida 5:97 ) And cried out to the man on the pilgrimage , they will come to you on foot , and drive that came from all parts of the remote . (Quran 22:27 ) Then at the beginning of chapter 42:10 Jesaya mentioned Sing a new song to the Lord ... A new song is is chanting a prayer of praise to God in another form . In this other forms is meant to refer Jesaya book chapter 28 : 11, as well as book chapters 3:9 Zefania So now he was going to say to this nation with a foreign accent and the language of the other . ( Jesaya 28:11 ) But at that time I will give to all nations a sacred tongue , so that they were all Gods name . Serving Him in the equation . ( Zefania 3:9 ) Thus , a new song of the Lord is meant by this is Jesaya 42:10 prayer and praise that comes with accents and other languages than ever before are out of Aramaic and Hebrew languages of Arabic, when Muslims around the world cry out to God , at the time of prayer , pilgrimage , and by the time they say hello to each other as the language of unity and communion of life and religious life , as the contents of the last paragraph of the article Zefania 3:9 ... serve Him in the equation . Let all those who sat on the Mount the rock sing , let them shouting from the top of the hill . Let them give praise to the Lord , and proclaim his praise in the islands . Lord out fighting like a hero , like the war he raised his spirit to fight, he shouts for cheers , yes , he squealed , against His enemies He proved his heroism . ( Verse 12 to 13 ) From the hill of Arafat near Mecca , the Pilgrims from all over the island in this world come every year get together and exclaimed : Labbayk allahumma Labbayk Labbayka laa syariikalaka Labbayk Innal Hamda wan nimata laka walmulk Laa syariikalak Which means: I welcome your call , O God : and I welcome your call ; I welcome your calls , No allies for Thee ; I welcome your call ; Verily all praise and pleasure as well as all the power is yours , No ally for you. God has demonstrated His power , beat all human idolatry propaganda , winning treatise HIS Prophets from all evil , to prove his greatness before his enemies . For behold darkness cover the earth and in the gloom cover all nations , while God has rises upon you and his glory was shining to you . Then all the infidels will come to your light , and all the kings was the light that has been published for you ( Jesaya 60:2-3 ) The interpretation of a prophecy thats very clear in the book Jesaya the presence of the Prophet Muhammad. As the end of exposure and Interpretation Book Jesaya this , let me take the equation will also be a verse in the Book of Jesaya with a verse from the Quran : Arise ye , let it be known your light , because your light is come , and the glory of the Lord was published over you . ( Jesaya 60:1 ) O -covered , arise and warn , and thy Lord , glorify . ( Surah al - Mudattsir 74:1-3 ) The Truth is from your Lord , therefore you should never include those who doubt . ( Quran Surat al - Baqarah 2:147 ).
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:00:58 +0000

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