Interstellar. Possible spoiler alerts ahead. Incredible movie. - TopicsExpress


Interstellar. Possible spoiler alerts ahead. Incredible movie. Nolan (alone?) has the genius to craft stories of such magnitude - as I remember from an interview prior to the movie, he said that Interstellar is the opposite of Inception. In Inception, we travel within. In Interstellar, we travel without. Breath-taking visuals. First the negatives (whats the use of being a Punekar if you cant point out the negatives?). My only complaint is the way it ended. I know that for such a story-line there cannot be a flawless ending. But the sequence with the books? Or going INSIDE a black hole for a rescue and coming back out? Cmon, man! It reminded me of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Nolan can come up with a more elegant solution. Also - I dont know how much sense this makes, and Im not pointing this out as a negative; it is an observation - the movie had a granularity to it. The smoothness that is felt in The Prestige, or in Inception is missing here. Its a lot like The Dark Knight Rises. Besides, the movie is amazing. The visuals are breath-taking. The rendition of the event horizon is marvelous. Even the way the >4 dimensions are portrayed within the black hole is incredible. Nolan has a very successfully managed to put complex models onto the screen. As expected, Hans Zimmer does not disappoint either. Just one example - listen carefully to the background score when theyve landed on the first planet - the one where each hour is equal to 7 years on Earth. They are naturally in a hurry. That sense of time is portrayed by the score, which sounds a bit like drops of water, but synchronized to sound like the strokes of a pendulum. Hit the audiences subconscious and make them FEEL the hurry - not just show it to them. In my opinion, the biggest achievement of the movie has been the human element in it. Everything in the movie is at a cosmic scale, and yet the human element and their struggles cannot be ignored. The relation between Matthew McConaughley and his daughter. The way he collapses after seeing the huge bunch of video messages (those facial expressions!). Michael Cain (of course hes in the cast! Its a Nolan movie!) trying to ask forgiveness on his death-bed. Jessica Chastain struggling so hard to know if her father abandoned her or not - while the world crumbles around her. The most enduring shot was when McConaughley and Matt Damon are fighting. The camera zooms out and you see the huge expanse of the land. That is when we see how petty our fights are in this larger scheme of things - important lesson there. Honestly, not Nolans best. But then, Christopher Nolans not-best beats most movies out of the park on most days.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 10:49:36 +0000

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