Interstellar Review I had very high hopes for this movie and - TopicsExpress


Interstellar Review I had very high hopes for this movie and when I got the opportunity to see this a bit early and in IMAX through work I was pretty excited to see it and boy did this movie deliver. It’s a bit hard to talk about this movie without feeling like I’m giving away too much but I’ll try my best. Visually this movie is amazing, between the scenes in space, on the ship and on the other planets Interstellar is a feast for the eyes. Coupled with the great score and sound there are times when as cheesy as it sounds, you feel like you’re in the movie a little. This movie approaches sound in space in a similar way to Battlestar Galactica which is to say no sound and usually only the score or piano accompanying a shot of space. There are some amazing scenes when just the piano is playing and you feel the vastness of space and how small humanity is compared to it. Even earth had a pretty good look to it, very grounded, very earthy and I’m sure that’s intentional. Where the 3rd act is based also looked pretty great and very Christopher Nolan. It’s not perfect some of the planets were a bit uninspired but with visuals and sounds like this it really made the movie feel like more of an active experience rather than a passive one. Story and Character wise Interstellar is pretty good. The story is a bit out there but its fairly well grounded and at its heart is more about the human characters than any sort of science. Without spoiling anything Act 3 is where a lot of the big thing occur, the pay offs happen and some very Christopher Nolan things happen. The characters were pretty good, pretty believable. Matt McConaughey is good and the almost everyman(who happens to be able to fly a space ship) and Ann Hathaway is also very good in her role. Jessica Chastain as Murph was probably the best character however, without spoiling too much she has the most time to develop which probably should be the case considering how time works. The rest of the supporting cast were pretty good as well, Michael Caine is well the same character he always is for the most part. It was a bit strange seeing John Lithgow in the movie especially all I really know him from is 3rd rock from the sun which considering the state of the earth in the movie I guess is someone appropriate. Matt Damon is in the movie as well and his character is alright, the characters last name is very clever considering what he does but he was one of the weaker characters. It’s really hard to talk about much more of the movie without giving away too much but it’s worth noting that this is a very Christopher Nolan Movie. Not really as tricky as the prestige, or the smart man’s action movie that was inception but still very much in the same vein as his previous movies. Maybe you could say it’s a Sci Fi movie for scientists or the humanists Sci Fi movie. Overall I really enjoyed this movie, it’s pretty deep it’s pretty out there and it won’t be the movie for everyone but it’s definitely worth a watch. If you have the opportunity see it in IMAX its very much the kind of movie that lends itself to the format. 10/10
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 08:02:13 +0000

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