Interview With A Work From Home Mom Name: Carly Aden Company - TopicsExpress


Interview With A Work From Home Mom Name: Carly Aden Company Name: Visi How Long Have You Been With The Company: 2 months Why Did You Choose This Company: The timing and opportunity to make a substantial income, paired with great products that I have been using and seeing direct noticeable results. How Long Has The Company Been Around: 2 years, already debt free. How Many Consultants Are There: a little over 3000 in the US What Are The Costs To Get Started: as little as $40 but I recommend a starter pack that has 30 days supply of all the product so you can use and be your own living walking testimony to how great you feel and look. Are There Costs Each Month To Stay Active: Yes, product auto ship to be active and get paid but you wont loose your business spot if you do not spend any money in that month. You could always place an order if you have a good week.... Paychecks come weekly! How Many Hours Do You Work Each Week: My husband and I do the business together. We are very motivated to make it our primary source of income so he is working to reflect that desire. What Is Your Monthly Income on Average: Its almost impossible to average ours right now since we are just starting but weve made our initial investment back, get our product auto ship free, and made a profit in under 2 months!!! We are placed and mentored directly under people averaging $10k-$40k/month; which is our goal. Its a really good time to join our team, we will be building the business and helping others that want to do the same. How Do You Promote Your Business: We use facebook a lot! Also, there is a very simple process to follow that we show you. It is a follow the simple steps and you will get results. Its what weve done and those above us have shared and its working. It takes time and commitment, like anything, but if you do it, you will see the same replicated results.... Why Should Someone Join Your Company Over A Competitor? Timing! This company and our team has so much momentum and excitement. It has all the key ingredients of a long term networking company for success. #1 1st to Market products and technology (The Arctic Cloudberry and Hydrolyzed collagen Protein), so much like people that first got involved or invested in Acai, or green tea extract or blank (trying to be generic but get the point across) there is a huge benefit to the WHEN, they are making money in one way or another from the wave of people that found the great properties of those same products after they saw the potential...#2 Debt free #3 Just getting started, there are only 3000 partners in the US, other successful marketing companies have millions involved; there are a lot of very successful network marketers leaving their income positions to jump on board with this amazing opportunity. What Advice Would You Give To Someone Wanting To Work From Home? Decide your Why, for money? For getting out of the house? For freedom? Choose a company that has something you are passionate about; health products? Jewelry? Customer service? You wont succeed if you dont love what you do (I know, we all say the same thing, so must be something to that piece of advice right?) And what Ive found to be most important (I have done several work from home companys recently trying to find the ONE I loved and could realistically justify trading my time (they all take time) for it worth how much time I spent doing....XZY to make $XX?) and the difference has been having joined someones team that wanted to build a business and support my efforts directly to do the same. How can you be contacted for more information? Carly Aden Carlyaden@gmail 360-870-2525 thevisibiz
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:05:01 +0000

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