Interview dEdgar Mitchell du 23 luillet 2008 - scientifique et - TopicsExpress


Interview dEdgar Mitchell du 23 luillet 2008 - scientifique et astronaute - par Nick Margerisson sur Kerrang Radio. Lastronaute Edgar D. Mitchell, qui a, entre autre, piloté le module lunaire dApollo 14, a déclaré dès 1971 : Nous savons tous que les OVNI sont réels. La question est : doù viennent-ils ? wiki extract : Views on UFOs[edit] Mitchell has publicly expressed his opinions that he is 90 percent sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets.[14] Dateline NBC conducted an interview with Mitchell on April 19, 1996, during which he discussed meeting with officials from three countries who claimed to have had personal encounters with extraterrestrials. He offered his opinion that the evidence for such alien contact was very strong and classified by governments, who were covering up visitations and the existence of alien beings bodies in places such as Roswell, New Mexico. He further claimed that UFOs had provided sonic engineering secrets that were helpful to the U.S. government. Mitchells book, The Way of the Explorer, discusses his journey into mysticism and space.[15] In 2004 he told the St. Petersburg Times that a cabal of insiders in the U.S. government were studying recovered alien bodies, and that this group had stopped briefing U.S. Presidents after John F. Kennedy.[16] He said, We all know that UFOs are real; now the question is where they come from.[17] On July 23, 2008 Edgar Mitchell was interviewed on Kerrang Radio by Nick Margerrison. Mitchell claimed the Roswell crash was real and that aliens have contacted humans several times, but that governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, stating: I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that weve been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real. In reply, a spokesman for NASA stated: NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.[18][19] In an interview with Fox News on July 25, 2008, Mitchell clarified that his comments did not involve NASA, but quoted unnamed sources, since deceased, at Roswell who confided to him that the Roswell incident did involve an alien craft. Mitchell also claims to have subsequently received confirmation from an unnamed intelligence officer at the Pentagon.[20][21] In an interview for AskMen published March 6, 2014, Mitchell said he had never seen a UFO, that no one had ever threatened him over his claims regarding UFOs, and that any statements about the covering up of UFOs being a worldwide cabal was just speculation on my part.[22]
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:44:06 +0000

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