Interview fixing between paid-Barkha-Dutt vs AK-420 and - TopicsExpress


Interview fixing between paid-Barkha-Dutt vs AK-420 and paid-rajdeep-Sardesai vs AK-420 . Most paid-media interviews are like world wrestling federation matches. Proof that these two interviews are fixed (1) none ask difficult questions like why AK hasnt brought Right to Recall Delhi Mayor draft (2) none asked why AK targets nigerians and asked not to target Bangladeshi who are 1000 times bigger problems across India . etc etc TV and newspapers are reel life meant to cover real life of fake leaders like AK-420. Two interviews are making rounds on YT, WhatsApp , FB etc, Here are the links paid-Radeepsardesai vs AK-420 ----- youtube . com/watch?v=dd9AQeD9hxQ paid-Burkha-Dutt vs AK-420 ---- youtube . com/watch?v=qeC6uHCLE-4 The interview appear as if interview takers are asking hard questions, and AK-420 emerges as winner with over 90/100 marks in all questions. But then world wrestling federation matches also looked genuine to me when I saw for the first time in 1990. Here is how you can make out that these two interviews were fixed 1. Neither paid-Burkha-Dutt nor paid-Rajdeep-Sardesai asked why AK-420 targets Nigerians but not Bagladeshis. Because both paid-mediamen get huge funding from Saudi Arabian lobbies. For all we all know, most allegations against Nigerians are farce, and even if true, Bangladeshis in Delhi and rest of the India are 1000 times bigger problems than Nigerians. In Delhi, many Bangladeshi slums have become no-go zone for policemen. But none of the paid mediamen asked on why AKs Ministers only pick nigerians and not Bangladeshies 2. Neigther paid-Dutt nor paid-Sardesai asked why AK hasnt still presented Right to Recall Delhi Mayor and RTR Delhi Corporator draft in Delhi Assembly !!! This was something AK-420 promised on 8-apr-2011 to whole nation. Presenting draft can be done in 3 days and within 3 days one can have vote on it. But fact is that AK-420 has been delaying draft since 2.75 years and neither journalists asked any question on it. 3. AK said that when there is serious crime like rape or murder , one policemen in that area must be suspended. Well, paid-jornalist could have questioned hoim if he followed same rule in income tax department. eg when income tax theft was detected in his area, did he ask his boss that he should be suspended? And paid-journalistb also didnt ask whether they would pass this as a law when they get CM-ship in other states. And if so, can AK-420 give the DRAFT of that law? 4. And in return, AK-420 said nothing against paid-media !!! eg AK-420 often says to attract voters than Congress is mafia, BJP is mafia. But he never said that paid-MDTV or paid-IBNX or paid-ToIX is mafia !!. For all we know, these days, paid-jouranlists are bigger mess than corrupt politicians. And AK also didnt mention how he plans to curb paid-media problem when he comes to power in center !! So folks, you can see that both interview takers appear hostile . But they asked only those questions where AK would get 90/100. Both paid-Dutt and paid-Sardesai evaded questions where AK-420 would get 0/100 or rather -100/100. So it was World Wrestling Federation type match, where whole script is fixed. The interview-taker didnt ask hard questions and AK-420 made no attempt to expose paid-media menance on this interview or any of his private video. ==== SOLUTION : I propose two solutions to paid-media problem. One is TCP (see section-1.3 of facebook . com/groups/righttorecallparty/10152114637883103 ) Another is Right to Recall Doordarshan Chief (see chap-10). And short term solution is that activists will need to give newspaper advt with their own money. ===== Dear AAPians, Pls post AFTER comments AFTER your party proposes RTR Delhi Mayor DRAFT and RTR Corporator DRAFT in Delhi Assembly. It takes 3 days to present a draft, not 30 days. So pls dont waste YOUR time here on my wall. Pls spend YOUR time in getting RTR-Delhi-Mayor-draft. And deal all, pls post comments, but pls do cross-talks on your walls and not here
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:34:28 +0000

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