Interview of Wallmart Chairman on why he supports Anna and - TopicsExpress


Interview of Wallmart Chairman on why he supports Anna and Janlokpal with no Right to recall Janlokpal By Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta in Right To Recall Against Corruption (Files) • rahulmehta/wall.htm ========= Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta : My sincere thanks to you, Mr. Scot, for taking precious time out and giving this interview Wallmart Chairman Li Scot : My pleasure. We want strong Lokpals to come as soon as possible. Thank you, for taking this interview. === RCM : First of all, why do you support Lokpal? People say MNCs pay bribes and Lokpal supporters claim that once Lokpal comes, corruption will decrease. So wont Lokpal System hurt your business interest? Li Scot : Once Lokpal System, comes, we will have to bribe or manage or control only 11 Lokpals and control all 25000 officers, Ministers etc. === RCM : Please elaborate Li Scot : Well, today we have to give bribes to over 25000 officers --- 2000 Collector level IAS, 2000 SP level IPS, 2000 District Prosecutors, 10000 District judges, 5000 MLAs, 800 MPs, 700 Ministers at State Level, 700 High Court judges etc etc. Now I cant do it all sitting in USA, and so I have to higher lobbyists like Radia, who charge 200% mark-up. But once Lokpal system, I will need to bribe only 11 Lokpals and via them I will control all 25000 IAS, IPS, MLAs, Ministers etc === RCM : Can you give us an example: Li Scot : Consider recent FDI debacle. I will have to give bribes to 800 MPs to get their support. Come Lokpal System, and I will bribe only 11 Lokpals and via them I can force all 800 MPs to support FDI in retail. The Lokpals will file complaint against any MP who opposes FDI in retail and my agents in media will tell all they are corrupt. Once two MPs land in prison, all 800 MPs will obey. === RCM : So are you saying that Lokpal will not decrease corruption Li Scot : No. Lokpals will decrease corruption. The amount of bribes we will have to pay will decrease, for same tasks we want to get done. Eg now I will need to pay some Rs 3000 crore to 800 get FDI resolution passed in Parliament. When Lokpals comes, I will get it done for just Rs 100 crore. So corruption will decrease. === RCM : But The Anna says that if Lokpals take bribes, Supreme Court judges will expel them Li Scot : Well, I are not stupid that I would give cash to Lokpal in front of camera. Nor would Lokpal take such cash in public. The way I will bribe Lokpal is by giving money in Swiss or Mauritius Bank or I will pay one of his relatives by hiring him as consultant or lawyer. We paid bribes via relatives 1000s of times in India and all across globe. No one will ever have any court quality proof against Lokpal who is my agent. So Supreme Court judges wont expel him. Also, we have a lot of Supreme Court judges’ relatives working as our lawyers. They are very bright and competent and will ensure that our agent Lokpal doesn’t get harmed. To create a drama, we will surely get 1-2 Lokpals implicated and expelled so that citizens’ faith in Lokpal increases. === RCM : But still, eventually, people will come to know Li Scot : Yes, which is why lately, we have decided to sponsor publicity hungry people and not money minded people. You know, there are people who want money and people who want their names to comes all over newspapers, TV-channels etc. The latter will never ask or even take money. I will have such people appointed as Lokpal. Once they become Lokpal, I will use my connections in newspapers and TV-channels to give them fame they want, and Lokpals will imprison any officer, Minister, MP, judge who blocks my way. === Li Scot (adds) : And what is people come to know? There is no Right to Recall and so Lokpal will finish his complete term. RCM : So what actions are you taking to bring Lokpal System? Li Scot : I am my MNC-owner friends have decided to spend Rs 10000 crores in publicity campaign. We will pay good money via equity or loans or advertisements to TV-channels who show The Anna and Lokpal in positive light and suppress the voice of those who raise negative questions against Lokpal system.. We will pay TV-channels to show Mahatma Anna and Lokpal 48 hours a day, 14 days a week, 100 week a year. Even Saas-bahu show will have “Anna and Lokpal” as ticker lines at bottom. Using TV-channels will project Mahatma Anna as new God. === RCM : Do you support Right to Recall Janlokpal Li Scot : (angry and shouting) HELL NO. I oppose Right to Recall Janlokpal. If citizens have Right to Recall Janlokpal, we will have to bribe 35 crore citizen-voters to ensure that a good person doesn’t become Lokpal, and it is impossible task. I and my other MNC-owner friends can bribe 100-200 people or even 5000 people. We cant bribe 35 crore citizens. So Right to Recall Janlokpal clauses must never come into Lokpal drafts. === RCM : What if Anna supports Right to Recall Janlokpal? Li Scot : Then I will cancel all media funding. I am not paying TV-channels to let people know Right to Recall Lokpal clauses. I don’t think Mahatma Anna will ever support Right to Recall Lokpal, because he doesn’t want to lose fame he is getting. === RCM : Are you paying Anna? Or his men? Li Scot : NO. Mahatma Anna never asked for money, and will never ever take any money from us. Mahatma Anna is 100% honest when he it comes to money. All his men are 100% honest. Mahatma Anna and his men want fame. Mahatma Anna wants Person of the Year award, he wants nobel prize, he wants his name in history textbooks. You know, there are people like Nehru or Mahatma Gandhi who will sacrifice Indian interests for fame? Well, Mahatma Anna just like Mahatma Gandhi. We will pay TV-channels to tell all that Mahatma Anna is God, we will make him household name and also try to get him Person of Year Award. In return, Mahatma will help us create public support for “Lokpal with no Right to Recall Lokpals”. === RCM : So is Anna your agent? Li Scot : NO. Agent is wrong word. Mahatma Anna would never become our agent. Mahatma Anna is our symbiotic partner --- we want oligopoly of Lokpals and he wants fame. We will get him what he wants, he will help us in creating Lokpal with no Right to Recall Lokpal System in India. === RCM : If you wanted Lokpal System, didn’t the idea of your fasting at Jantar Mantar came to your mind? Li Scot : I am glad you asked this question. Well, actually, I was planning to fast at Jantar Manta some 2 years ago asking people of India to create Lokpal System so that we have to bribe only 11 and not 11000. I was planning to pay Rs 2000 crore to tv-channels to create emotional whirlpool in my favor. You know I wear $50000 Armani suit, $10000 tie, $5000 shirt and $20000 Gucci shoes. For the purpose of fast, I had even purchased cheap $2000 Armani suit, $100 tie, $500 shirt and Gucci shoes costing only $500. But my advisors told me that no Indian would sympathize me even if I die 1000 times fasting and demanding for Lokpal. The advisors flatly told me : “we must have a face that can make an Indian cry. The person must be wearing simple cloth, must not be very wealthy, older the better and must have clean or no past to speak off”. So I cancelled the decision to fast and instead decided to allocate the Rs 2000 crore media budget to highlight Mahatma Anna. === RCM : Thank you for you time, Mr Scot Li Scot : Welcom, RCM. And thank you informing all citizens of India on how important “Lokpal with no Right to Recall Lokpal” is for us.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 18:27:22 +0000

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