Interview online We did an Interview with the magazine Spectrum - TopicsExpress


Interview online We did an Interview with the magazine Spectrum Costa Rica. If you speak spanish, check the link: https://facebook/notes/spectrum-cr/entrevista-a-blutnebel-black-metal-alemania/551528464933984 If not, here is the english translation: 1-Hi! Nice to talk with you guys. Today your new album has been officially released, Imagine you must be very excited! Indeed. It’s a great feeling to hold the CD in our hands finally. It took some time to get to this point, but in the end I think the wait was totally worth it. 2-Blutnebel was born in 2008, how can you describe your growth as a band since your beginning until today five years later? Of course there is a progress from the early days to now. Blutnebel started very simple as a project of a bunch of guys worshiping their black metal idols. The founders Atratus and Namon for example recorded the Demo songs with very poor equipment and with the help of a midi drum computer. But as I and Necro joined and completed the band, the whole thing evolved very quickly. Seelenasche has been written nearly completely in the rehearsal room just in a few months. After that we had many live experiences that helped us to get more professional and of course we started to get better on our instruments. Most of the new songs weren’t composed in the rehearsal space, so that the songs could get more complex. 3-Your debut album was well received in 2010 both by critics as black metal fans worldwide, What can you say about this work? How was conceived and what does it mean for you today three years after its release even with a new record on sale? As I said before, Seelenasche has been written and recorded in a very short time period. We’re kind of proud of what we achieved with this record but in comparison to Niedergang the songs are lacking of speed and diversity. I think every band has something they would change in their past records, but it’s a good thing that you can’t turn back time. 4-Lets now talk about Niedergang. How long did the composition of this work, and then where and when it was recorded? The oldest songs of Niedergang like “Geboren im Feuer” or “Wolfshäute” have been created some months after we recorded Seelenasche, but most of the songs were written in 2012, when we decided to quit playing gigs and focus on new material. In April 2013 we started to record the album at Tonekeeper Studios in Annaberg-Buchholz. It took us about 6-7 days to get everything done, but the collaboration with Rudi was very professional. 5-Blutnebel announced last February that had undergone a change in their lineup, Orson left the band and Esgaroth took his place. What was the reason of the separation and how you found the new band component? Unfortunately we had to realize that Orson did not have the necessary motivation to contribute to Blutnebel like back in the days. Also, there’ve been some other personal problems which I don’t want to spread, but this line-up change wasn’t easy for us, too. Our new guitar player Esgaroth is a good friend of mine, so convincing him to join the band wasn’t difficult. He’s a great musician, so he didn’t have any problems to get in the songs and to add some ideas. 6-War, anti-christianity and mythology were strong themes touched on Seelenasche - You will follow the same thematic line in Niedergang or have decided to take a new direction in this regard? The lyrics written by Namon transformed a lot. On the first record the speech was very direct and straight, but now he tried in songs like “Verdammnis” to let some room for interpretation. Also, we avoid the theme of anti-christianity on the new album. This is not about having changed our opinions belonging religion, but I think we’ve said everything on this subject and we feel a bit bored with this old black metal cliché. Additionally some words to the concept: In the first half of “Niedergang” we coped with themes such as ancient wars and describe the acting of warriors as a whole, but in the second half the lyrics are becoming more personal and are written in the perspective of a single individual. 7-Patrick Engel, who has worked with bands like Candlemass, Heaven Shall Burn, Katharsis and Desaster to name a few, was in charge of mixing Niedergang, how was working with him, and how great you consider his contribution to the album? Patrick is a very busy person, so we didn’t actually meet him in person, because all the exchange of information was done by E-Mail. The work he did was absolutely satisfying, even if he wasn’t involved in Mixing, just in Mastering. The Mixing was done by Tonekeeper Studios. 8- Stille der Nacht and Verdammnis were the first two songs released as promotion for this new release. Do these songs achieve the essence of the whole album? Partly. On the one hand we have those aggressive blast beat songs, but on the other hand there are also two instrumentals with acoustic guitars on the CD (“Nocturne”, “Zeitenwende”), which spread feelings of mourning and yearning. In Addition we have some hybrid songs like “Nebelwald” or “Rotrunengrab” that have a heavy and an acoustic side. 9-How can you describe Niedergang? What we will find in this album compared to the previous one? The Songs are more complex, are heavier and more melodic at the same time. Also we took advantage of using acoustic guitars in the studio that allowed us to expand our sound. Another improvement is the recording quality. This time we wanted a very powerful and balanced mix and we fulfilled this approach. We didn’t want to have this necro sound, bands in the early 90s had. It just wouldn’t fit to our music and the new songs. 10-On the musical aspect - what are the influences we find on Blutnebel’s music, encompassing both belonging to black metal as other genres? First of all, we all love dark and obscure music, but I think everyone in the band has a slightly different taste and favorite bands. For my part, I prefer also many non-metal genres like psychedelic rock, post-rock or experimental music to name a few. 11-Do Blutnebel members have other musical projects besides this? Yes, nearly everyone plays in various projects to follow his own musical vision. But I think these bands are freer in their entity and having a good time stands over achieving something. 12-As part of the promotion of Seelenasche three years ago you’ve recorded a video for Wolfshäute. Blutnebel will make a new one for any track on this new album? Which song? We didn’t think about it now. Besides, we are a band that doesn’t measure success in clicks on Youtube. I think this video introduced us to a lot of people, who otherwise wouldn’t know us today. 13-Niedergang have a limited number of copies for sale on CD? Does sale enabled on digital formats? Maybe we will enable sale on bandcamp in the future, but the risk uploading all songs in advantage is high. We don’t want the internet to be flooded with lousy quality rips of “Niedergang” like it happened with “Seelenasche”. 14-Where can it be purchased both new album band’s merchandise? And by the way how much is the album price? You can purchase T-Shirts, Patches and our both CDs via Facebook or safer, writing an E-Mail to [email protected]. We ship worldwide so don’t hesitate to contact us. Niedergang is sold for a price of 10 Euros. 15-For the remaining two months of 2013, and the middle of the next year, what are the plans Blutnebel are working on? We try to organize some release shows in the near future, but when they will take place isn’t clear now. Of course we want to evolve further and write even better songs. The first ideas and riffs are already spinning through our heads. 16-Finally, there is something you wish to add to this interview, or something you want to share with the readers of Spectrum C.R? Thanks for your interest in our music. It’s totally awesome that our music is consumed on another continent. We appreciate it. Horns Up The questions were answered by Eschaton, bass guitar player of Blutnebel. Greivin Sánchez. Spectrum C.R.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 17:25:50 +0000

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