Interview with Emmanuelle Dudon by JuJu Jay Q: Three words to - TopicsExpress


Interview with Emmanuelle Dudon by JuJu Jay Q: Three words to describe yourself? A: Focused, hyperactive, passionate Q: Do you remember when you first start running and why? A: As a teenager, I used to jog once in a while with my father on Sunday mornings, but I really start to run when I was pregnant with my first daughter, 15 years ago. I wasn’t able anymore to get on my bicycle (At that time I was a regular cyclist as my husband was an ex competitive cyclist). And after my 1st daughter was born, I’ve decided to run a marathon, which I did less than 6 months after. From that moment I really got into the running and never stopped. Q: Do you prefer running alone or with others? A: In fact I love both. There are moments where I feel the need to run alone, listening or not to some music’s. But I feel that if I had to choose I’d say that I prefer running with my friends, I love to speak while running. Usually I prefer small groups 2-3 runners. Q: Can you tell us your experiences from pony express 100 in Utah and the ultra Bolivia race? A: 2 very different races but 2 races in the desert. Pony express 100 miles was held in the Utah and was a special one because my husband and my coach crewed me. I was sick from mile 50 till the end but never thought that I could quit and the last 10 miles where like a dream, running with my husband in the middle of the desert, with a super moon. I’ve enjoyed every single moments of that race. The Bolivia Ultra was a self-supported stage race. The conditions were though, very cold, high altitude. I was still mourning the recent death of my father. I went in Bolivia somehow to say goodbye to my Dad. He was a passionate traveler and went to Bolivia earlier in his life. The landscapes were surrealistic. It felt like I was in an other world. Q: Any recovery tips after an ultra race? A: I would say that the most important thing is to keep moving! After a big race I try to walk the day after. I’m using this time to visit the town or the place, stop at good coffee shops and enjoy the moment. If it is not possible because of travel obligation I use every opportunity to move. And the next week I swim, walk and do some bicycling (outside or stationary depending on the season) and resumed running when I feel like doing it. Usually my first run is somewhere between the 4th and 8th days. I do lots of stretching and try to get one massage. Q: Is it hard fitting ultra training in around family and work life? A: Yes and no. I can’t expect running high mileage and my family always comes first. My work is very stressful and time consuming. But I’m using every free moment I have and try to do some « crash weekend » training (e.g.: 2 or 3 medium long runs instead of one super long). But First of all I always keep in mind that it s only running and put no stress or pressure on me. Training, running, cycling, swimming are privileges and I’m doing all this to feel more relax, not the opposite! Q: With regards speed work what do you consider the most important training sessions? A: Hill repeat…I love them! I hate track, really. I do speed work on the road and fartlek in the trail. But I feel that if there is only one kind of speed work to do it will be hill repeat (any variation from short to long, slow or fast downhill, road or trail…) Q: During ultra racing what kind of foods would you be eating? A: It depends on how long the race is. Less than 50 miles I will eat gels, home made bars, dry fruits. But for longer races I’ll seek and crave for real food: sandwiches, jerkies, salty foods, anything with a sweet taste is impossible for me to take. I’m still struggling with nausea and vomiting during longer races (above 50-100 miles). I’ve tried many things but didn’t find the perfect solution. Q: And what foods would you eat to recover from a serious long race? A: Without any hesitation: A big Hamburger (Not Mcdo but REAL hamburgers) or a steak and a Beer! Q: What do you get out of running, mentally? A: Relief…I let my mind fly away… Q: What kind of running shoes you love the most and why? A: I am a little crazy about running shoes. I have a lot. But I’m on the minimalist side for the last 3 years. It helped me a lot. Beside I’m also a fan of Hoka and Olympus Altra, both very cushioned but minimalist at the same time. Q: Whats your descending technique? Have you got any tips? A: I’m not a super down hill runner but I did get better with time. No secrets do a lot. I love down hill. When I do hill repeat I also do some fast down hills, both on the road and technical trail. I use my core a lot, on technical trails I run with a very fast cadence a « staccato » pace, try to be as relax as possible a anticipate by watching the next 3-4 meters. Q: Would you like to give our readers some tips on their first race if long distance of short? First of all, remember it’s only running, enjoy yourself, life is short and stress is everywhere so you are here for you and to have fun. Don’t start too fast. Be prepared for anything, good or bad and have at least A, B C and D plans. I always come in a race with in mind the possibility that I could quit. I don’t want to quit but it may happen. If it’s the case I’ll always find a satisfaction on something: The race, the people, the first part, for example, a good 50 km on a planned 100 miles will comfort my deception of a DNF! I think it is very important if you want to run for a long time. I’m very competitive, I love to run fast and sometimes to be on a podium, but over all I love to run, share with people I like, put some challenge on me. I can cope with bad race because it is life. You may have good days and you may have bad days, but you keep moving and wait for the next morning with the same passion! Big thanks to Emmanuelle for her time and a great interview.. facebook/emmanuelle.dudon
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 17:33:33 +0000

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