Interview with Prof. Gracelyn Smallwood - Nelson Mandella a humble - TopicsExpress


Interview with Prof. Gracelyn Smallwood - Nelson Mandella a humble freedom fighter / Torres News By MARK BOUSEN THE late Madiba Nelson Mandela was a humble freedom fighter who promoted truth, justice and reconciliation with violence, a prominent world, human rights figure has said. Professor Gracelyn Smallwood (right), who last month received a United Nations Award for her 45 years of work and service for national and international health and human rights, told the Torres News at the Australian South Sea Islanders (ASSI) forum at Tweed Heads on the weekend. Professor Smallwood, who lives in Townsville, met Mr Mandela in 1997 when she and Dr Chris Sarra were VIP guests of the South African President for the 20th anniversary of the death in custody of the late Steve Biko. “We were among the millions and we were waving the Aboriginal and Torres Islander flags near Mr Mandela. “The flags were spotted by Mr Mandela’s good friend Kwame Ture, the former Black Panther who was previously known as Stokely Carmichael, who was seated next to Mr Mandela. Continued Page 13 >>
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:44:45 +0000

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