Intoxicated With Success In my little stay on earth, I’ve seen - TopicsExpress


Intoxicated With Success In my little stay on earth, I’ve seen men and women get intoxicated with power or position. Just because some people find themselves in positions they never dreamt of, they begin to behave like lesser animals, forgetting that it was just by God’s grace that they are what they are. Today dear reader, let’s talk about humility. General Robert E. Lee was a man who knew the value of playing second fiddle. This great general never stopped being true southern gentleman. Once, while riding on a train to Richmond, he was seated at the rear of the car and all the other places were filled with officers and soldiers. An elderly woman, poorly dressed, boarded the coach at a rural station. Finding no seat offered to her, she trudged down the aisle toward the back of the car. Immediately, Lee stood up and offered her his place. One after another all the men then arose and offered the general his seat. “No, gentlemen,” he replied, “If there is none for this lady, there can be none for me!” In his masterpiece Acres of Diamonds, Russell H. Conwell recounted his experience with General Lee. “I was down in Virginia and went up to an educational institution and was directed to a man who was setting out a tree. I approached him and said, ‘Do you think it would be possible for me to see General Robert E. Lee, the President of the University?’ The man replied, ‘Sir, I am General Lee.’ I remember the story of a rider on horseback who came across a squad of soldiers who were trying to move a heavy piece of timber. The rider noticed that a well – dressed corporal was standing by, giving commands to “heave”. The piece of timber was just a little too heavy, however, for the group of men to move. “Why don’t you help them? The man on horseback quickly asked the important corporal. “Me?” the corporal responded with shock in his voice. “Why, I’m a corporal, sir!” The rider then dismounted and took his place with the soldiers. Smiling at them he said encouragingly, “Now all together boys – heave!” the big piece of timber moved easily with the help of the additional man. The stranger then silently mounted his horse. He said to the corporal as he prepared to ride on, “The next time you have a piece of timber for your men to handle, corporal, send for the commander – in – chief.” It was only then that the corporal and his men realized that the helpful stranger was none other than George Washington. Senator Mark attends a weekly Bible study at his church in the city along with other politicians and professionals. As soon as the meetings ended, most rushed off to their jobs. But Senator Mark usually stayed to stack chairs – and he was the highest- ranking official there! Can such be possible today? Remember as soon as you are telling people you are the boss, you are no longer one. Some people start well, but finish badly because of ego. Don’t be part of this group....GOOD morning KABBA.(publicity unit)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:51:15 +0000

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