Intoxication of democracy. The sleeping pills are being given to - TopicsExpress


Intoxication of democracy. The sleeping pills are being given to the illiterate public in the shape of democracy. The corrupt politicians, elite, white and khaki and ‘mollycoddled ’ intellectuals are crying hoarse to save democracy from being encroached upon by the empty stomachs. Let us see what sort of democracy is in the Pakistan:- “The ruling PPP politicians don’t tire of claiming parliament’s supremacy over all other institution; never mind if many members of parliament were elected on forty-percent bogus votes and fraudulent degrees Simply, could a person known for money-laundering and accumulation of illegal wealth ever become either prime minister or president of India/ That’s high standard of accountability and rule.” { Writer is freelance columnist based in Lahore. The News. Iftekhar A. Khan. Sep.1.2012.}. The price hike of the commodities of daily use has made the life of common men miserable. In such situation it is not possible at all for a common man to fight election for the seat of National Assembly or Provincial Assembly because, it casts billions of rupees. The election has become only a ‘ show’ of democracy. In fact there never have been any genuine election. Our election of National and Provincial Assemblies are Hobson’s choice in the real sense of the word. Four families rule the country. In the light of the above mentioned parliament, we can infer the essence of the democracy in Pakistan : is a democracy off the people, far the people and buy the people. Is it to be our fate that only the tainted and smeared will rule over us. Remember our whole structure is one of gradation---one class over another. The millions at bottom are exploited by and had to bear the weight of all those at the top. And at the top took care to perpetuate this system and to keep the power for themselves by not giving opportunities of education or training to these poor people at the bottom of the ladder. How beautifully Voltaire prophesied the ‘ soul and boy’ our politicians : “ They [politicians] have discovered in their fine politics the art of causing those to die of hunger who, cultivating the earth, give the means of life to others”. The history of Pakistan reveals that politicians in connivance with bureaucrats have been plundering the wealth of the country. I do believe bureaucracy plays a role in the ruination the moral, economic and other ethical values of a nation. But at the same time I do believe, on the strength of my experience that the preponderant onus falls on shoulders of the politicians. Let us find the truth in pages of the history of Pakistan. 1. Who made concentration of Urdu speaking refugees in Karachi, the capital of the country. This has been creating confusion in the politics of the country. It was Liaquat Khan. 2. Who inducted Ayub Khan in the civil cabinet? A politician or general. 3. Who made country a pandemonium in the early days of Pakistan ?: Khan Sahib the brother of the Ghofar Khan {Sarhundhy Gandhi} , was the chief minister of the West Pakistan. He refused bluntly to decorate his office with the portrait of the father of nation, because he was still suffering from venomous feelings against the creation of Pakistan. This situation was maligned by the politicians. This shows that the woeful situation caused the imposition of marshal law in the country. 4. The achievements of Ayub Khan are unprecedented in the whole history of Pakistan. Ask the Koreans who came Pakistan to know the secrets of development in all fields of life. I was in technical education, and am a living testimony to it. 5. Who befooled public by the catch words of Root, Kapra and Mukan, everyone saw the dire consequences of be fooling of the public. Destruction of economy, education and moral code of life of the people. Who declared 1000 years war against India? Who ordered to manufacture Atom Bomb which proved a heavy obligations on the public exchequer and distorting the image of the country?. Who said,” Here we, there you”, and fuelled the inimical susceptibilities of the East Pakistan, that culminated in the division of the country? It is a general, or a politician. 6. Who “ gifted” us with the legacy of the present plague in the shape of PPP government. In the perception of Dr. Kader, the father of nuclear bomb of Pakistan, Mr. Zardari should be awarded a degree of Ph.D in dirty politics. The regime of the civilian has become notorious for corruption, nepotism, steep surge of all items of daily use, sinking the whole country in darkness and beefing up the foreign banks. Who are responsible for a large scale unemployment, empty stomachs ready for suicide, and violence, lawlessness, generals or politicians. Who first ordered bombing on the tribes of the country in 1972. It is chilling to remember that Pakistan is ranked third most dangerous place for women in the world. Afghanistan and Congo are our companions. Is this observation of civilian regime or that of a military dictator. Remember , sovereignty, democracy and other such deceiving phraseology is a concern of well-heeled not the under fed, and taking the verity of this statement, I can say without any fear of contradiction that politicians are more devilish in the activities of plundering and looting the wealth of our nation. The hue and cry of some of our mollycoddled ‘intellectuals’ contains some truth that beau racy is responsible for the endemic corruption, nepotism and all other scourges that has bedevilled the whole fabric of society but it is hard for me to be convinced that our political and religious leaders are innocent and conscientious, committed and purified from all sort of evils, temporal and spiritual. I firmly believe that the tree of evil is politicians and religious leaders who have planted the country in the quicksand of all kinds risks. The electorates of the country sent their representatives in the legislative assembly to ameliorate their bad condition of life. It is simply a lame excuse that they are fettered to do any positive work. If they are not in a position to deliver good to the public, what are they doing, to enjoy themselves with the prodigal privileges and prerogatives of exalted positions. I will be much obliged if “the intellectuals” tell me who gave birth to our most woefully miserable “ intelligent and mischievous” figure in the history of humans, in the form of PPP leadership, generals or politicians.{Taken from my book IMPRESSIONS Website asgharbutt …………………………..
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:09:35 +0000

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