Intrestin FACT.imagine,a frnd of mine was to xplain to me abt wt - TopicsExpress


Intrestin FACT.imagine,a frnd of mine was to xplain to me abt wt he xperienced.he said,he was in d toilet nd sm1 was watchin wit out his notic trough d window bcus it ws nt yet completd,wen he lift his head trough d direction of d window,He find out dt sm1 was watchin on oder to relate d messag to me he said,he saw d girl watchin him on "d door of d window,"nd i ws supris @ him hw could dt b possibl.In odr to b sur,i ask him d second tim,he notic dt smti is wrong wit his statmnt,in odr to adjust it is were he made d wort ERROR whch is d giirl is watchin him on "d window of d door".pls wt shuld b d corct statmnt he should hv used??????
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:43:21 +0000

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