Intrinsically it is a matter of no importance what is the destiny, - TopicsExpress


Intrinsically it is a matter of no importance what is the destiny, among the swarms of the eternal stars, of this small planet that pursues its course somewhere in infinite space for a little time; still less important, what moves for a couple of instants upon its surface. But each and every one of us, intrinsically a null, is for an unnamably brief moment a lifetime cast into that whirling universe. And for us therefore this world-in-little, this world-history, is something of supreme importance. ... [People] contend in battle with a given world and win through or fail, while the universe around them moves slowly on with a godlike unconcern. This battle is life — life, indeed, in the Nietzschean sense, a grim, pitiless, no-quarter battle of the Will-to-Power. ... Man is a beast of prey. [...] Brave, crafty, and cruel. He lives by attacking and killing and destroying. He wills, and has willed ever since he existed, to be master. ... The frontier, of whatever kind it may be, even the intellectual frontier, is the mortal foe of the Will-to-Power. ... [Individualism] is a reaction against the psychology of the mass. It is the last uprising of the carnivore soul against its captivity behind the bars of the Culture, the last attempt to shake off the spiritual and intellectual limitations that are produced by, and represented by, the fact of large numbers. ... Every high Culture is a tragedy. The history of mankind as a whole is tragic. --Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics #history #humanity
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:22:16 +0000

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