Intro to Living Love Yoga I don’t know about you, but I did - TopicsExpress


Intro to Living Love Yoga I don’t know about you, but I did not come here to witness the destruction of the planet! I’m trying very hard to prevent the end of the human race every day and I hope, pray and plead with all of you to get active and lend a hand in this vital and most essential task! So I’ve invented Living Love Yoga, and actually, anyone who can sit still or lie down on a floor can participate in LLY. Its designed to help us get beyond our barriers and develop a deeper understanding of how we could have let our world get to such a sorry state and not be motivated to stop it! It part misinformation and now that u are better informed when it comes to enviro issues, its time to overcome the next barrier, the separate self! What on earth is the separate self??? Aren’t we all separate? We sure have been educated and encouraged to be so. What is it like to live in the world of the unified self. Lets look at the way the separate self vs the unified self views the world and is guided to think and act about an issue. Problems, Poverty and Enviro Issues, viewed from the separate vs unified self. Poverty as seen by the Separate Self: Its not my problem, I have a job, a life, a girl friend, a nice home and I give to United Way, so I’m doing my part. I’ve got a busy life and no time to do much more to help. Poverty as seen by the Unified Self: I’m so lucky to have so much and no worries when it comes to meeting my basic needs. It must suck to be poor, I can’t imagine how debilitating it must be to wake up everyday and worry about meeting your basic needs. I think I’m going to look into what causes poverty and do my best to help. Enviro Issues as seen by the Separate Self: I recycle and do my best to conserve energy, I ride my bike and bring my cup with me to get coffee. I’m doing more than most to help the environment. Enviro Issues as seen by the Unified Self: In the biosphere everything we do affects other lifeforms and our own welfare. I look around and see big planet killers on the horizon, toxins every where in our food, water and air. I think I need to join with others to fix these problems, cause no matter how much I do at an individual level, it won’t any difference if the source of these toxins is not dealt with. I think the comparison is obvious, the ego filled separate self is focused on their immediate needs. This is the norm in our society and has been encouraged from day one by the dominate work ethic and our school systems. This in turn is reinforced by our economic system that also encourages monetary success and illustrating one’s material wealth through the purchasing of property, goods and services. There’s no end in sight, no clear definition of enough! What do we do when we need to work in concert to overcome shared problems??? We’re lost when it comes to this type of work, its not focused solely on one person’s interests, but on a collective or common good. Unified self to the rescue. We don’t need to completely abandon the separate self, after all, enlightened self-interest motivates people to become great athletes, excel in the creative arts, music, dance and other worthy endeavours. The unified self is our more natural self. Unfortunately, its been drummed out of most of us, a few folks with a strong propensity to be helpers have survived, but I fear not enough to save this planet. You see, those ego driven folk have taken over the world and developed economic and political systems that favour and reinforce the separate self. The unified self is apparent when we are young, aged 2-3, its that smile you see when u encounter a young child, a curious and loving glance. Parents do their utmost to change this disposition and instill fear in their children of “strangers”. If we had more foresight, we would encourage this trait, as its essential for the survival of our species. We need to find a way to work together again to overcome our enviro issues through rediscovering this loving, friendly nature has been buried and discouraged. Living Love Yoga is designed to resurrect this instinctive connection, something the Greeks called Agape, a general and common concern for other human beings. One still witnesses agape often, perhaps someone needs a hand opening a door, or a neighbour offers to help another and its often displayed when a pregnant woman is out in public, most people will do what is needed to make their lives easier for them and be protective. Living Love Yoga is an energy based social therapy, designed to show the importance of working together when it is needed to fix problems that affect us all. The classes or groups will focus on 3 healing energies that can be harmonized to create a collective will to fix the planet. The three energies being source, nature and agape working together, to offer guidance and perseverence till the task is completed and the common good is restored, in this case, the environment problems fixed at the source and steps made to remediate the damage. The picture below clearly shows the 3 energies working together. Source(Yellow) is the underlying cause of our universe, u pick a religion or metaphysical structure, most have similar values. Nature(Green) is our greatest teacher and guide and provides us with the guidance we need to live in harmony on this planet. No more compartmentalization, nature offers guidance on how to organize our economic, political, social and institutions so that we can become natural again in our orientation. Agape(Red) will be encouraged as the final link in the problem solving puzzle. If we don’t develop a much deeper regard and concern for ourselves and find the strength to overcome our behavioural patterns that are self destructive, our race will become extinct. Some of the fungi, bacteria, algae and other smaller and very resilient life forms will more than likely survive. The greatest foundational forces of nature will remain and who knows what sort of life will evolve on our planet in the millions of years to come.  So, Living Love Yoga is almost ready to go! I will be starting with a yin style class, full of awesome music and imagery designed to bring the students together and hopefully become ONE to help save the planet! In the biosphere we are one whether we like it or not, so it makes sense to adapt to this reality and take advantage of the lessons and guidelines available from nature and its wonderful ways!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:32:52 +0000

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