Introducing: • All The Other Nameless Victims *Rated PG: - TopicsExpress


Introducing: • All The Other Nameless Victims *Rated PG: language depicting violence & few Ye Olde English words* #BringBackOurGirls- THE MUSICAL No words… the echo of a silence thus twirls. ‘Tis the vanishing future of Nigeria’s pearls. Does pain have a voice or a shape…, doth it curls? Our teardrops form an ocean of sorrowful swirls. As a people we demand that Sambisa unfurls. Oh give us our children, just bring back our girls! “’Alas, verily,’ may the World stop and see, The tragedy, agony that has befallen on thee! As the narrator observing from a tree, I foresee: A people so shattered, sinking deep undersea. A nation, a giant forced down on its knee. A potpourri of millions; almost one seventy. For nearly three scores, thy homeland was free. Despite the debris, thy children could ‘be.’ Lest, an evil committee rose from within the country, Lead by a mad man on a murderous spree. With bombings, killings as the group’s solemn decree, They ventured into schools and with girls they did flee. The horror of such violation done so blazingly, Has shaken the World to an utmost degree. The blood that’s been shed, now almost daily, Has got to be stopped with every guarantee. Through protest and dialogue thy stand in esprit. Demand thy girls back home…, make thy desperate plea. It has split up thy struggle, now thy no longer agree, To focus on the insurgents, who are the real enemy!” “’By my troth,’ the trembling doom of a fate in despair, Has become our reality in this torrid affair. We were taken at night in a manner unfair, By the boogie-men we have all come to beware. We are the girls of Chibok, we cry out, we declare; Will none of you save us once more to breathe air? We just wanted to learn and have knowledge to share, ‘Tis why we went to school for exams to prepare. How could we have known, we were never aware Those men in those trucks were prepared to ensnare? Now, who knows where we are… We’re not here, we’re not there, We are million miles away from our parents who care. We have no more freedom under their constant glare, We have not much hope in this burden we bear. Has the world deserted us, thrown our lives in midair? Will nobody protect us from this ghastly nightmare? Will we ever recover, will we ever repair? …Not if we are left in this evil dragon’s lair! As day’s turns to months, our hopes do impair. Maybe one day we’ll be home… That’s our ultimate prayer!” “’Declare, O ye’ Mutants existing in Nigeria’s domain, Renounce Western Education or your kids will be slain! Since our name you profane and reject our campaign, We declare a ‘Fatwa’ in which violence will reign. Your sons, we will maim if they discard our strain. As for your teachers, we slice their jugular vein. Your pastors we will torture in a form inhumane. Your precious civilian JTF, their blood we will drain. Muslims who abstain from our chain will feel the pain. The soldiers and police, we will behead outright, plain! Informants and snitches, we will kill again and again. In all of your villages, we will unleash acidic rain. Now, we’ve entered your schools and your girls we detain. We will marry and sell some, the rest with us they remain. We will train and convert them and wash out their brain. By the time we are done, freedom they will never regain. With Al-Qaeda we train, surplus funds we obtain, And we’ve mastered the skill of ‘guerilla legerdemain.’ Before we weren’t this ruthless, in peace we maintain, It’s just now that our leader, Shekau, is insane!” “’What art thou’ am I seeing…? I don’t understand! Were children taken right out of our hand? The news spoke of girls and exams that were planned. Kids were apparently abducted by that lunatic band. The whole nation was shocked, the transgression was grand, So we looked to the government to, at last, take a stand. But the reaction was bland, the response was offhand, So much so that the parents were forced to take command. For two weeks no results from our army unmanned, They weren’t prepared to venture in that no-mans- land. So out of frustration and anger we manned, Small groups of protesters to shout our demand. If our government won’t stand for the girls in this land, We will expose its inept and negligent brand. We will stand for our girls; we will offer our hand, We will ensure government pays for its stubborn withstand. So through protests and writings our voice did expand And with some viral tweeting, BBOG was fanned. Our target is to hold our government in remand, Because they have the duty to protect Nigeria’s gland!” “’Do as thou wilt,’ but it is sad that you blame us straight For what these goons are doing to our mortality rate! As an administration that rules over a country so great, Do you think that we don’t care for each person, each fate? You don’t hold the monopoly to mourn as you often inflate, Everyone feels the pain of our girl’s incarcerate. All officials in government are parents, who can relate To the agony felt in Chibok in this awful desecrate. Yes it’s true we were late to give an update, But the accusations you’re slinging are pure out of hate. There’s no doubt many of you where you conjugate Have sincerity of purpose in your form and irate. But few of you standing have an ulterior trait, Where you politicize each issue as you dictate your debate! If you weren’t being insincere, why not offer your weight, Support our troops to deflate the terrorist estate? Our commitment is to this nation; it predates the negate Of insurgents and protesters who thrive on misstate. We will bring back the girls and strive to re-instate The honor and valor of our Nigerian State!” “’Hear ye,’ we saw it first when this one hash-tag said; That girls had been taken in school from their bed. This plight was driven from the groups that were lead, By concerned civilians whose plea travelled overhead. The girls, in their hundreds, were violently led Into the darkness by murderous inbred. It happened in a region with violence widespread. Religious extremism is the enemy we dread. As the international community, we will go right ahead To help out Nigeria and apprehend the sect’s head. We will offer intelligence, we will give infrared. Though we won’t give our troops, we will support you instead. We will send our reporters so the story won’t be misread. Isha Sesay, Amanpour will ensure that the news will be spread. We hold Nigerian government responsible for not calling code red, When the girls were first taken and the criminals fled. You did little to stop your own security shred Until Michelle Obama held that sign we all read. As we pass day one hundred, not much light has been shed. We demand for the girls Alive, not as ‘Walking- Dead!’” “’Ye Kings and Warriors’… Government cut us some slack! We gathered as parents to ask for our girls back. We marched to the fountain and carried our plaque. You became so defensive and went on attack. You accused our comrades of trying to sack Your government from office, you painted us black! You refuse to engage us; you don’t give a jack, You harassed our leaders through your own hired claque. If not for our efforts and our loud online yak, The World wouldn’t have known of your terrible schmack! Show us your worst; give your biggest whack, ‘Quack.’ Still, our girls must be saved from that unruly pack. Our intent’s resolute; our resolve will not crack, We continue to stand for the voices who lack. We are the BBOG family, no matter our flack, We won’t go silently or succumb to your thwack. We will lay down our lives, our demands we will stack. We will occupy Nigeria, till bad governance we sack. So by way of advice, government get back on track, Look to the people of Chibok and bring our girls back!” “’Embellish thy threats,’ in the grass, you’re the snake! Your cry for our girls sometimes does seem quite fake. As the government I speak, this retort I must make Because you’ve done all you can to color me opaque. Most protesters feel bad at this national heartache, But a few of you see an opening for a quake. Who is pulling your strings; who is baking your cake? Some of you who partake have a much broader stake. To make government the enemy is your biggest mistake, For you’re helping insurgents to cook their large steak. You make noise to the World, such emotions you shake. You falsely accuse me of not being awake. In truth we are working and success we will make. But we struggle against an enemy that destroys in its wake. The insurgents are vicious in all they partake, Their humanity and civility they seem to forsake. We will step up our game so that peace can retake Its place in society; we will rebuild and remake. So continue your holler, let your tears form a lake, It won’t hinder our efforts till we catch a break!” “’O Hail, Ha, Ha’…, looks like we dealt you a sore! We split up your focus, spilt your blood on the shore. Yes, it’s we, those terrorists that you strongly deplore, Who commit all the acts that we know you abhor. If sponsors keep funding, our ammunition will restore And you’ll see hell on earth; lots of blood, guts and gore! When, at first, we decided to declare our war, We murdered and bombed you in order to score. But in all of our mayhem and killing galore, We never knew taking girls would shake you to the core. The victory for us is the death of any rapport, Where the nation is splintered and almost out the door. As opposition and government fight like never before, We are laughing our heads off, rolling on the floor. You only speak about girls, all the rest you ignore, Do you know we have kidnapped over three thousand and four? If we bring back your girls, won’t you ask for much more? Don’t you care of the other plans that we have in store? Nigerians, resume your scuffle so we can continue to soar. Hail, Ha, Ha… our bombs will rearrange your décor!” “O Verily,’ do please speak for our girls who were taken. Thus, what about us, have our lives been forsaken? It is we, the other victims, whose voice has not awaken. Our stories don’t have power to make emotions as shaken As the two hundred girls whose awareness was woken; Yet we share the same fate in this den of the ‘Kraken.’ But don’t twist our tone or get our motives mistaken. You have given us a lifeline with your voice so outspoken. But if your girls are returned as the ultimate token, Will our plight, which remains, continue to be overtaken? Prior to Chibok, many of our towns were laden With blood of our brethren; we have no safe haven! Many school girls were taken, by men who were craven. Little boys were beheaded after their hair had been shaven. Our parents were burnt amidst such acts unspoken. They raided towns like Damboa, without no betoken, In Gwoza and Bama they left few things unbroken. Even after your girls, so many more have been taken. You never speak about us, so are we mistaken, When the girls return home, will our hopes still be broken?” “’Alas, Forlorn,’ that’s Nigeria’s variety show! What shame, what anguish; a populace so much in woe. When your forefathers look down, they’ll be rolling below. Despite their blood and sweat, you hit a great low. Your vision is tainted; you exist on ‘Skid-Row,’ You don’t root for unity; it is hate that you sew. In the challenge you face, sentiment you must throw. To combat insurgency you must stand toe to toe. It’s a simple exercise of practicing ‘quid-pro-quo.’ Opposition and government should have one voice to crow. The message to give insurgents is a pure outright, ‘NO!’ This constant in-fighting sends the wrong signal though. It tells insurgents, you don’t know the enemy to show. So government must drop this attitude of gung-ho. As Malala showed you, humility is the best way to go. Opposition, protesters; bring your blitz down a row. This divided attention allows Boko Haram to grow. One bone of contention seems to be on the status quo Given ‘#BringBackOurGirls’ and who it targets so. Government says, refocus ‘Bring Back’ on ‘villain- apropos’ And replace it with ‘Return,’ so the insurgents will know. BBOG reject giving a pass for this important ‘John Doe.’ Government has duty to protect, thru Constitutional bestow. But why must the words ‘Bring Back’ not go to and fro? Make it ‘solely’ about the girls and the finger pointing forgo. Someone said ‘Perception is reality,’ a long time ago. See via each other’s eyes, through the problems you’ll plough. A middle ground must be found for the terror to outgrow. Each can have their opinion but on this issue, DON’T be foe! It is not just for you, it’s the future generation you owe. You all cry for your children, you want to see them let go. But when your girls are back, remember other victims you know. Finally, the narrator is asking the government to undergo, An ‘exchange’ to bring the girls back to their chateaux. Then the next step in stopping the insurgency flow, Is to expose the sponsors whom provide them with dough. The alternative is the continuance of these bombs that they blow, And if the violence escalates; all the peace will overthrow. May the lives lost and those destroyed be blessed with a glow. May God watch over Nigeria so that harmony can flow….!” No words… the echo of a silence thus twirls. ‘Tis the vanishing future of Nigeria’s pearls. Does pain have a voice or a shape…, doth it curls? Our teardrops form an ocean of sorrowful swirls. As a people we demand that Sambisa unfurls. Oh give us our children, just bring back our girls! Just bring back our girls! …Just Bring Back Our Girls! … #BringBackOurGirls!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 11:08:26 +0000

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