Introducing.... Myself. George Millar. Though Im not at Lancaster - TopicsExpress


Introducing.... Myself. George Millar. Though Im not at Lancaster University anymore, having graduated and currently passing the days before I go to Nottingham to start an MA in History, like any good Whovian would, I still feel a deep connection to this group. So, without ado, I was a Lonsdale History student with deep roots in the medieval period. You can only glimpse my nerd rage at the only medieval episode of New-Who thus far. Im into a lot of sci-fi and fantasy, and endeavour to write my own. If I was a Sim, my Lifetime Ambition would be to write the best history-based episode of Doctor Who ever. So theres that. Because f***ing coats of plate in the 12th century!.... And I counted two wimples among the entire female cast - thats a lot of exposed ears, making a lot of hussies! GAAAAAHHHHH-ahem. I like Sherlock. I would not be opposed to a crossover. Provided it doesnt become canon. That is all. Favourite Doctor is a bit of a tricky one for me, but I would have to come down on 11. Matt Smith suffered from his writing, and lets be honest its a difficult character to nail down. But his final speech resonated with me more than anything Ive ever seen in Doctor Who, so he deserves my affection for that. But I am also quite giddy about Capaldi. I may have to sello-tape Capaldis and Smiths face to some Rock-em-Sock-em Robots and see who wins. I was a Ravenclaw. Might as well tell you Im an Aries while Im at it. I feel like all this backstory will, be somewhat useless, seeing as we might not cross paths. (Unless I come back to Lancaster for whatever you have planned. No pressure, Social Secs.) But this society has still left a huge impression on me this year, so I wanted to encourage you all to keep this bunch of people close to your hearts. I saw the 50th Anniversary special with these guys. I painted the town TARDIS-blue, met my girlfriend, and tried to sonic an approaching van all in the same night. I helped rescue a poor defenceless giant Tribble from Blackpool Pleasure Beach and name it our mascot, the Face of Boe-Boe. This society is united by a love for Doctor Who, so you have plenty of icebreakers to choose from. Not that any ice will need breaking; theyre honestly one of the most welcoming societies in the University. So clear your schedule, because if I know these guys, theyll have some incredible stuff lined up for you, for Freshers and beyond. Let these guys into your hearts, new ones, and youll be part of a great society thats given me a lot of great memories.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:58:41 +0000

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