Introduction... My fellow Americans something has to - TopicsExpress


Introduction... My fellow Americans something has to change. Russia and Iran are laughing at US. China is laughing and crying because we owe them far too much money for them to think that Americas leadership crisis is funny. Israel is afraid... that America has lost what it takes on the world stage to keep them safe. The People in Syria... are crying, bleeding and dieing because no one takes seriously what America has to say these days. And The People in Ukraine are desperately looking for signs that Americas Commander in Chief has something to serious to say... to Vladimir Putin. And Barack Obama? Well, he thinks hes winning. Mr. President, with all due respect... Charlie Sheen though he was winning too. How did we all get to this VERY UGLY place? Well, the political polarization that began with The War in Iraq is growing out of control and it is destroying America. Our once great nation is now a dysfunctional mess... AND... all of our dysfunction, the government shutdown, the 17 Trillion Dollars in Debt, the unprecedented United States government spying on American citizens, the endless-war, The IRS targeting of political enemies and all the rest of it is either directly or indirectly the result of a broken political system. And it doesnt matter who you think is to blame... the truth is, We are all losers in The Blame Game. The battle for the heart and soul of America is well underway... and make NO mistake WE are ALL losing this fight. Patriots, the critical question on this most important day is whether We will join together once again and honor the inspired contributions and sacrifices of our ancestors and choose to preserve The American Way and protect it from All Enemies waging war on America. All Enemies some of whom will be American must be defeated so The American Way remains true and worth fighting and dying for and worthy of passing on to future Americans. If you see the news headlines and think its a matter of choosing a Democrat or Republican to lead the way on The Economy, Health Care, Afghanistan and Iran... then I bade you to take a step back and take a deep breath because its finally time to see that The Whole World is on Fire and theres no turning back. No, we cant go back but we can begin again and we must because we are heading for a place we cant go and keep The Free American Soul intact. Our leaders use word science and choose words that work to stoke our emotional flames and divide one American from another... to separate US from our votes and our money. So they can have their power and fame. But this is the End Game and The Christian Right and have found themselves on new common ground... once told they were the players only to find out today that they have both been played. This is Americas moment of truth... because the ideas that gave way to The American Way have spread to The Middle East. Unlike others wars this battle isnt a battle over land... this is a battle over prevailing ideas. To put it another way, this is a battle for the heart and soul of humanity. By choosing a Side and a Role in this battle of ideas... You and I become new American Founders of a different sort and notable symbols of equality... in a world that desperately needs inspired warriors. Be Unafraid, Be Strong and Be True... step forward and join the ranks of the new Army of Angels and put your boots on the ground... so The American Way... remains true... for those who you love and for those who come next. On September 11th 2001 America was attacked and... The War of Ideas... began. Fast forward to today and... Americas Commander in Chief... uses Unmanned Drones as his favorite weapon of choice in this war of ideas. And Al Qaeda is taking land back in Iraq... that American soldiers bled and died for on behalf of The People in Iraq. AND Muslim Extremists are perfecting new Shoe Bombs... And... The Afghan Government is cutting secret deals with The Taliban... once again. AND... Barack Obama will be remembered by history for being the ONLY American president to lose two foreign wars. More importantly the eye of history will reveal that Mr. Obamas choice to engage his domestic opposition in a War of Ideas... instead of Muslim Extremists... was a dark, fateful mistake. Post 9.11... Mr. Obama decided to pick a fight with American politicians who have no ideas... instead of trying to WIN The War of Ideas with Muslim Extremists who do. In his domestic fight against people with no ideas... his idea to raise the minimum wage might look good to some people. But to the rest of The World... tens of millions of Americans living on food stamps and on minimum wage, no matter what that wage might be... Is PROOF... that The Idea of America has failed. But the truth is... it is Mr. Obama who has failed his MOST important task… To put forward a plan to ensure that The War on Terror is not passed on to our children and grandchildren as the moral equivalent to Our National Debt. So its up to US... you and me, to shift The War of Ideas... towards Mr. Obama... where it now belongs. The Soul of a nation is a very dangerous thing to forsake... and in this life and death fight, Americas Soul is VERY much at stake. If you think you know this man, Barack Obama... think again. Twelve years of war HAVE changed US and this endless-war has very much changed him. And if your knee-jerk response to this presidents failure is to blame The Tea Party Republicans... well, thats NOT good enough, because Barack Obamas version of Armageddon is now on Americas doorstep. As Americas Commander in Chief... in a post 9.11 world, it was HIS Sole Responsibility to make sure that The War on Terror didnt evolve into World War III. But instead of preventing this rush to Armageddon, that Russia has now joined, Barack Obama is doing all he can to usher it in by weakening America with a phoney war on women and a fight to the bloody end with Tea Party Republicans... Instead of leading ALL of America to a WIN in... THE WAR OF IDEAS... that began on 9.11. So what should WE do? We should do our VERY best to make sure that everyone in the world understands that... Barack Obamas presidency is based on a dark, dangerous, divisive and destructive... Socialist... fraud. And then make the case that a great nation like America wont be taken by an invading army... it will be destroyed from the inside out, by changing our beliefs about who we are... AND... by changing the way The People view America all across the globe. And no single person in the world can single-handedly do more damage to America than an American president who is hell-bent on turning America against herself. Its truly is a tragic thing when the leader of the free world... poisons The American Soul... from inside The Oval Office. The good news? Because Barack Obama has wasted his entire presidency on small, petty domestic fights and with SMALL ideas like raising the minimum wage... its now clear, to everyone that this man is NO Lincoln or Mandela and he is absolutely NOT a KING. Two and a half years... thats all we have left, before this ill fated presidency finally comes to an end. AND thats all the time he will need to FINISH US OFF... with his phone and a pen. My hope is that all these words and ideas will help undo at least some of the damage that Barack Obama has done to America. Its time to use Barack Obamas divisive words and political tactics against him... for the good of America. This little book contains the story of his hyper-divisive presidency, beginning with his refusal to answer the honest question of his place of birth... to the way he handled The Trayvon Martin Case... and everything in between. This story matters today, because instead of chasing Al Qaeda from cave to cave... America is standing face to face with the re-emergence of The Soviet Empire. And Americas chief rival knows that The American People no longer stand behind what this President has to say. And that makes the world a lot less safe.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 10:25:55 +0000

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