Introverts, extroverts and Leadership: Introverts are - TopicsExpress


Introverts, extroverts and Leadership: Introverts are mistakenly taken as shy. As an introvert I am certainly not shy but Im not keen on hype and high fives to create some form of energy. The biggest advantage I see with introverts comes down to how much more inclined they are to be deep thinkers, people who reflect on experiences and seek to learn and develop continually. They enjoy making strong connections within a small group or 1:1. They are much more interested in the long journey, than the here and now. In short, they have the type of character that makes for a great PT. Ive come to the realisation that ALL the PTs who are top of their game in the UK are like this. These are the guys I go to to learn from. They speak with confidence and authority because they are passionate about making a difference. Its not about sales and gimmicks. Theyve studied more, reflected more, analysed more and look to add more and more tools to help their clients. They care and are here for the long haul. To these guys its not a job its a passion they have for helping others and self improvement. Extroverts are energetic, enthusiastic, live in the moment, they thrive on crowds, buzz of the energy a crowd gives to them, love variety and constant change. They arent focused on the future, not keen on study, dont tend to invest a great deal of emotion into reflecting, analysing, seeking out self development. Helping others is NOT their passion, feeding of the energy others bring them IS very important to these folks. Extroverts run fitness classes. So I think (an introvert skill ;-)) that is why there is a big clash between group exercise instructors, bootcampers and PTs. We clash because we tick very differently and have very different reasons for being in fitness!!! So the take home message is Understand the difference in leadership stye. Extroverts are great for energy giving and having fun with but thats it - they arent interested in anything deeper. Introverts however are like parents, they want the best for you and seek to guide you, develop you and will seek to build you up, not use you as their source of energy... Choose the style that YOU value!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:28:40 +0000

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