Invasion. 1,000 acres of Palestinian land. Israel steals more - TopicsExpress


Invasion. 1,000 acres of Palestinian land. Israel steals more land from the Palistinians, by force. Using tanks, having killed thousands of civilians in the past few months. It is illegal. It is against international law. 1) Will economic sanctions be put on Israel, to make them see sense? And withdraw from this blatant act of land grab, via military invasion. 2) Will the US and UK invade Israel and topple their leaders? As they did when Saddam took over Kuwaiti land? Or Germany invaded parts of Poland in the 1930s? Why not? One has to look at the politics and MONEY, behind it. The fact is...MONEY BUYS POWER AND INFLUENCE. MONEY CORRUPTS POLITICIANS AND NATIONS. Alas, just as Labour are influenced by the Trade Unions...many of the politicians in power (in the US and UK) are funded by Israeli / Jewish interests.... 80% of Conservative MPs are members of the CFI. How many people have even heard of the CFI? How many news outlets have informed us of this fact? The CFI is the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby group. One of the most powerful (if not THE most powerful lobby groups in Westminster). Channel 4s Dispatches programme revealed that members and associates of this organisation have donated directly (and indirectly) £10million to the Conservative Party in the last few years. This - not surprisingly - influences UK government policy. Of course it does! Otherwise, why pay it?! It explains why Cameron will not criticise Israel.... And why the illegal invasion and stealing of Palestinian land will continue. (And people wonder why Palestinians are resisting with rockets! This has been going on for years...the continual stealing of Palestinian land....its an illegal invasion and the UN does nothing but condemn it). But no sanctions will be put on Israel, like they are on Russia, for the reasons listed above. Politics is a dirty business. What annoys me, almost as much, is how this information will not be made easily available to THE PEOPLE of the UK and US. The reasons behind why some nations are economically punished and others not. (I shant go into why the Super rich in America and Europe are trying to provoke Russia and Europe into a war. But anyone that studies international politics objectively, historically and economically will know why....)...the long term benefits for the super rich at the top of the Economic and Social Pyramid will be huge, if war breaks out. And who will suffer? The poor. The working class. The middle classes. The children. The elderly. In fact most of society! 96% of society. But NOT the super rich. The rest? They will be brutalised, maimed and killed (like they were in World War 1 and 2 and in many Middle eastern countries today....). And the nations finances will be crippled too. War costs money. The UK was virtually bankrupt after WW2.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:01:24 +0000

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