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Invite others and add others to Great Controversy Project on Facebook! - TODAYS NEWS PREDICTED BY ANCIENT PROPHETS HUNDREDS OF YEARS AHEAD OF TIME! -- “THE GREAT CONTROVERSY” - A book written in the 19th Century on Bible Prophecy and is available in the millions around the world in over 80 languages has predicted many of the headlines we are reading in our newspapers in the 21st Century! THE AUTHOR OF [THE GREAT CONTROVERSY] WRITES, “ THE GREAT CONTROVERSY SHOULD BE VERY WIDELY CIRCULATED. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earths history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I AM MORE ANXIOUS TO SEE A WIDE CIRCULATION FOR THIS BOOK THAN FOR ANY OTHERS I HAVE WRITTEN; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.--Letter 281, 1905. {CM 127} “ The end is near. Already much time has been lost, when these books should have been in circulation. . . . Scatter them like the leaves of autumn. . . . Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven.—The Review and Herald, August 13, 1908 &. CM 25.1 “ I was moved by the Spirit of the Lord to write that book, and while working upon it, I felt a great burden upon my soul. I knew that time was short, that the scenes which are soon to crowd upon us would at the last come very suddenly and swiftly, as represented in the words of Scripture: The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. {CM 127} “The book The Great Controversy, I appreciate above silver or gold, and I greatly desire that it shall come before the people. The results of the circulation of this book [The Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But a much larger number who read it will not take their position until they see the very events taking place that are foretold in it. THE FULFILLMENT OF SOME OF THE PREDICTIONS WILL INSPIRE FAITH THAT OTHERS ALSO WILL COME TO PASS, AND WHEN THE EARTH IS LIGHTENED WITH THE GLORY OF THE LORD, IN THE CLOSING WORK, MANY SOULS WILL TAKE THEIR POSITION ON THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AS THE RESULT OF THIS AGENCY.-- {CM 129} The Great Controversy written by the most translated American author that has ever lived PREDICTS the following! “The prophecy of Revelation 13 declares that the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns shall cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the papacy --there symbolized by the beast like unto a leopard. The beast with two horns is also to say to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast; and, furthermore, it is to command all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark of the beast. Revelation 13:11-16. It has been shown that the United States is the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns, and that this prophecy will be fulfilled when the United States shall enforce Sunday observance, which Rome claims as the special acknowledgment of her supremacy. But in this homage to the papacy the United States will not be alone. The influence of Rome in the countries that once acknowledged her dominion is still far from being destroyed. And prophecy foretells a restoration of her power. I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Verse 3. The infliction of the deadly wound points to the downfall of the papacy in 1798. After this, says the prophet, his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Paul states plainly that the man of sin will continue until the second advent. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8. To the very close of time he will carry forward the work of deception. And the revelator declares, also referring to the papacy: All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life. Revelation 13:8. In both the Old and the New World, the papacy will receive homage in the honor paid to the Sunday institution, that rests solely upon the authority of the Roman Church.” {The Great Controversy, page 578.} “Since the middle of the nineteenth century, students of prophecy in the United States have presented this testimony to the world. In the events now taking place is seen a rapid advance toward the fulfillment of the prediction. With Protestant teachers there is the same claim of divine authority for Sundaykeeping, and the same lack of Scriptural evidence, as with the papal leaders who fabricated miracles to supply the place of a command from God. The assertion that Gods judgments are visited upon men for their violation of the Sunday-sabbath, will be repeated; already it is beginning to be urged. And a movement to enforce Sunday observance is fast gaining ground.” { The Great Controversy, page 579.} “Marvelous in her shrewdness and cunning is the Roman Church. She can read what is to be. She bides her time, seeing that the Protestant churches are paying her homage in their acceptance of the false sabbath and that they are preparing to enforce it by the very means which she herself employed in bygone days. Those who reject the light of truth will yet seek the aid of this self-styled infallible power to exalt an institution that originated with her. How readily she will come to the help of Protestants in this work it is not difficult to conjecture. Who understands better than the papal leaders how to deal with those who are disobedient to the church?” { The Great Controversy, page 580.} “The Roman Catholic Church, with all its ramifications throughout the world, forms one vast organization under the control, and designed to serve the interests, of the papal see. Its millions of communicants, in every country on the globe, are instructed to hold themselves as bound in allegiance to the pope. Whatever their nationality or their government, they are to regard the authority of the church as above all other. Though they may take the oath pledging their loyalty to the state, yet back of this lies the vow of obedience to Rome, absolving them from every pledge inimical to her interests.” { The Great Controversy, page 580.} “History testifies of her artful and persistent efforts to insinuate herself into the affairs of nations; and having gained a foothold, to further her own aims, even at the ruin of princes and people. In the year 1204, Pope Innocent III extracted from Peter II, king of Arragon, the following extraordinary oath: I, Peter, king of Arragonians, profess and promise to be ever faithful and obedient to my lord, Pope Innocent, to his Catholic successors, and the Roman Church, and faithfully to preserve my kingdom in his obedience, defending the Catholic faith, and persecuting heretical pravity. --John Dowling, The History of Romanism, b. 5, ch. 6, sec. 55. This is in harmony with the claims regarding the power of the Roman pontiff that it is lawful for him to depose emperors and that he can absolve subjects from their allegiance to unrighteous rulers.--Mosheim, b. 3, cent. 11, pt. 2, ch. 2, sec. 9, note 17. (See also Appendix note for page 447.) { The Great Controversy, page 580.} “And let it be remembered, IT IS THE BOAST OF ROME THAT SHE NEVER CHANGES. The principles of Gregory VII and Innocent III are still the principles of the Roman Catholic Church. And had she but the power, she would put them in practice with as much vigor now as in past centuries. Protestants little know what they are doing when they propose to accept the aid of Rome in the work of Sunday exaltation. While they are bent upon the accomplishment of their purpose, ROME IS AIMING TO RE-ESTABLISH HER POWER, TO RECOVER HER LOST SUPREMACY. Let the principle once be established in the United States that the church may employ or control the power of the state; that religious observances may be enforced by secular laws; in short, that the authority of church and state is to dominate the conscience, and the triumph of Rome in this country is assured.” {The Great Controversy, page 581.} “Gods word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman element is. Whoever shall believe and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution. “ { The Great Controversy, page 581.} time/23805/pope-francis-john-boehner-nancy-pelosi-congress/ POLITICS RELIGION BOEHNER AND PELOSI INVITE POPE FRANCIS TO CONGRESS Congressional leaders used the occasion of Francis first anniversary as Pope to invite him to Washington. President Obama is going to the Vatican to meet with His Holiness on March 27 Happy one-year anniversary, Pope Francis: You are invited to come to Congress. Almost one year to the minute after Pope Francis was named Benedict XVI’s successor, House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday afternoon that THEY WERE FORMALLY INVITING THE POPULAR HOLY FATHER TO ADDRESS CONGRESS. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA IS GOING TO THE VATICAN TO MEET WITH HIS HOLINESS ON MARCH 27, and the Holy See has not announced formal plans to visit the United States. Pope Francis has made it clear that his priorities for international visits are the Holy Land, Asia, and then Africa. Congress could use some peace-building right about now. Leaders appear divided even on inviting the Pope: Boehner and Pelosi, both Catholics, issued the invitation, but Boehner did not include Pelosi’s name in his announcement of the invitation. PELOSIS STATEMENT: “As we approach the first anniversary of the inauguration of Pope Francis, I AM PLEASED TO JOIN SPEAKER BOEHNER IN INVITING HIS HOLINESS TO ADDRESS A JOINT MEETING OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. “I had the privilege of attending His Holiness’ inauguration at the Vatican and was inspired by his message of peace, compassion, and brotherhood. “Whether inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, who cared for all of God’s creation, or by St. Joseph, protector of the church, Pope Francis has lived his values and upheld his promise to be a moral force, to protect the poor and the needy, to serve as a champion of the less fortunate, and to promote love and understanding among faiths and nations.” BOEHNERS STATEMENT: “IT IS WITH REVERENCE AND ADMIRATION THAT I HAVE INVITED POPE FRANCIS, AS HEAD OF STATE OF THE HOLY SEE AND THE FIRST POPE TO HAIL FROM THE AMERICAS, TO ADDRESS A JOINT MEETING OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. “Pope Francis has inspired millions of Americans with his pastoral manner and servant leadership, challenging all people to lead lives of mercy, forgiveness, solidarity, and humble service. “His tireless call for the protection of the most vulnerable among us—the ailing, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, the impoverished, the unborn—has awakened hearts on every continent.“His social teachings, rooted in ‘the joy of the gospel,’ have prompted careful reflection and vigorous dialogue among people of all ideologies and religious views in the United States and throughout a rapidly changing world, particularly among those who champion human dignity, freedom, and social justice. “These principles are among the fundamentals of the American Idea. And though our nation sometimes fails to live up to these principles, at our best we give them new life as we seek the common good. Many in the United States believe these principles are undermined by ‘crony capitalism’ and the ongoing centralization of political power in the institutions of our federal government, which threaten to disrupt the delicate balance between the twin virtues of subsidiarity and solidarity. They have embraced Pope Francis’ reminder that we cannot meet our responsibility to the poor with a welfare mentality based on business calculations. We can meet it only with personal charity on the one hand and sound, inclusive policies on the other. “The Holy Father’s pastoral message challenges people of all faiths, ideologies and political parties. His address as a visiting head of state before a joint meeting of the House and Senate would honor our nation in keeping with the best traditions of our democratic institutions. It would also offer an excellent opportunity for the American people as well as the nations of the world to hear his message in full. “It is with deep gratitude that I have asked Pope Francis to consider this open invitation on behalf of the Congress and the millions of citizens of the United States we serve.” READ ‘The Great Controversy” in 37 languages and “Prophecy Made Easy” at prophecymadeeasy and see today’s headlines predicted hundreds of years ago by the prophets Daniel in the book of Daniel and John in the book of Revelation.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:23:39 +0000

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