Ion Murgu first absolute law of matter conservation. {I am not - TopicsExpress


Ion Murgu first absolute law of matter conservation. {I am not guilty if Newton and Einstein loosed it} dont blame me is false(not) but Ion Murgu Condition of Uniform Travel and Phytagorean Triples isnt, but I lost My relatives into Truth scope and Ion Murgu Condition of Uniform Travel and Phytagorean Triples is coming with a little asymmetry, but this TRUTH, isnt scaring truth ,is a reality and you must to understand, we are only because of it totally symmetry mean a frozen Universe, Then is a criminal act against humanity to not publish this TRUTH. I know every time I was trying to be comic but here isnt comedies this time. }UNDER HUMAN RIGHTS AND sCIENCE PROTECTION{ i DECLARE WITH ALL RESPONSABILITY a new law of Physics ION MURGU FIRST ABSOLUTE LAW OF MATTER CONSERVATION Ion Murgu Condition of Uniform Travel and Phytagorean triples A elementary particle to conserve his mass and electromagnetic form must to travel uniform with its proper wave. This condition is for a long on Internet and .. Ion Murgu Condition of Uniform Travel and Phytagorean Triples proves that: - our local Universe is part of a linear infinity and part of a Angular infinity - Ion Murgu first postulate in Physics is a TRUTH - Ion Murgu 18-th Postulate in Physics is a truth - the rotation of cosmic entities. -here can to be the best start for interpret and desvolt a solid theory for reversibility and irreversibility. etc. }UNDER HUMAN RIGTS AND SCIENCE PROTECTIN { THE WELL OF LIFE WITH NEW COMPONENTS NEVER USED AND INCONTESTABILS. Brachistocrone reality Euler God Equation miracles; Ion Murgu Condition of Uniform Travel and Phytagorean Triples. https://facebook/video.php?v=851917284833564 (let your mind to get it, see more times if you need) small errors but the Truth is there. Yes will be a Start for a lot of work into GR and SR and ... but maybe will be not so much change in there. But now when we want to fly with FTL, Warp Drive and Star Treck we must to do this work and it is for you next Generation into Science.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:34:29 +0000

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