Iranian warships set off towards the coast of the U.S. Iran has - TopicsExpress


Iranian warships set off towards the coast of the U.S. Iran has sent at least two ships in the Atlantic region toward the maritime border of the United States. This unprecedented move is a response to the presence of U.S. forces in the Gulf region and demonstration of military capabilities Tehran. - We will ship this way the message to Washington - confirm the Iranian military. Ships sail in the direction of the United States. Its a message to Washington The Iranian naval expedition reported adm . Afshin Rezayee Haddad , quoted by the official Iranian news agency IRNA . - The Iranian navy is coming to the United States , this step is a message to Washington - military said . So far it is not known how many ships counts expedition , last month announced that it will include a destroyer Slaban and carrying helicopters aircraft carrier Khark . The Iranian authorities of their intention to send its warships to international waters near the U.S. already reported several months ago. Cruise is a response to the presence of 5 U.S. Fleet in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf , which Tehran considers its sphere of influence . The Iranians have already sent their ships in the region of East Africa and Syria , but the cruise towards the American coasts is the first such case in history. Warning to the United States. Americans want to achieve your goal Cruise Iranian warships , which began in January, coincided with the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Iranian revolution that toppled the rule of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi . The highest spiritual leader of Iran Ali Khamenei accused Washington then drive to change the regime in Tehran and a desire to establish U.S. control over the Middle East . - Americans do not have hesitated a moment , if only they could achieve their goal - Ayatollah said during a speech . Khamenei also stressed that the most important objective of the Iranian government is lifting the sanctions imposed on his country by the West in connection with the controversial nuclear program . However, as stipulated in the way to achieve this goal , Iran may change at best tactic, but it can not go on any compromise on fundamental issues . Breakthrough whether the game on time? Care in the United States and Israel Despite the bellicose rhetoric , however, the Ayatollah gave support to the negotiations on the Iranian atom , which undertook the government of Hassan Rouhaniego . In November 2013 , Member of the West entered into an agreement with Iran on this program , but it still raises controversy . The Israeli authorities have criticized the agreement signed in Geneva, describing it as a historic mistake . Also the United States remain very careful , Washington , it is true , it is estimated that an agreement is a step on the way to a possible breakthrough, but still counts as well with the theoretical possibility of tightening sanctions against Tehran. The tough policy toward Iran to Barack Obamas call all the time congressmen who claim that Tehran has conducted only game on time . Visit Iranian warships near the maritime border of the United States will certainly be another argument for the preservation of reserves against the policies of President Rouhaniego . The controversial film. The attack on Israeli targets and American The intentions of Iran , so far , remain a mystery. On Friday, Iranian state television showed film Nightmare Vultures simulating Iranian attack drones and missiles at targets in Israel and in the Gulf. Objective tem - attack had alopecia to graze among others. Tel Aviv, Haifa, Dimona nuclear reactor and the American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln . The film is also a speech Khamenei from 2011, in which he warned that the army zadałaby strong blows any State which would decide to attack Iran . ADVERTISEMENT A few months ago appeared to turn the information that Israel and the Gulf states , due to the policy of Iran, may enter into informal political and military alliance . Tehran, which treats the Middle East as its sphere of influence , trying to take advantage of the ongoing three years civil war in Syria to establish its hegemony in the region. I do not want to accept that neither Israel nor the Gulf states , fearing Iranian domination in the political, economic , and cultural . Dr. Alon Ben- Meir , a specialist in the Middle rated in an earlier interview with Onet , the Arab- Israeli alliance , aimed at Teheran, is the most possible. The expert stressed that the alliance may actually increase the pressure on Iran , especially if you still would exist problems associated with the nuclear program implemented by the country. He added, though most stabilizing effect on Tehran would be the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority , which would force Iran to give up the war rhetoric.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:14:08 +0000

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