Iraq: Islamic State Bombs Arbil The Islamic State claimed - TopicsExpress


Iraq: Islamic State Bombs Arbil The Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in Arbil, located in Iraqi Kurdistan, that left five dead and more than 20 injured, Shafaq News reported Nov. 19. The suicide bomber was driving toward Arbils government headquarters but was stopped by security forces before reaching his target. Kurdish fighters have been combatting the Islamic State on multiple fronts, but Arbil has so far avoided violence. The last major attack in the city took place more than a year ago, when militants launched several car bomb attacks targeting government security forces. Iraq: Kurdish Leader Works To Overcome Economic Troubles Nechervan Barzani, prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government and president of the Economic Council, conducted a meeting Nov. 18 to discuss how to enhance import and export chains in the region and how to increase coordination with the Iraqi government, PUK media reported Nov. 19. Discussions included talk of expanding border crossings and establishing an electronic system to streamline the issuance of import-export licenses. Progress on establishing the Erbil Stock Exchange was also reviewed, and it was determined that international expertise be sought on the matter. The Kurdistan Regional Government, an autonomous region of Iraq, has recently tried to surmount an economic crisis and further assert its economic and political independence from Baghdad. Indonesia: Students Plan Protests Against Fuel Price Hikes Several Indonesian student groups are planning protests against fuel price increases, which were enacted Nov. 18, Tempo reported Nov. 19. The students will stage a demonstration at the state palace Nov. 20, a spokesman for the group said. Indonesian President Joko Jokowi Widodo enacted the new prices to pay for social programs, which he says will ensure the buying power of low-income families.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 15:34:00 +0000

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