Iraq delivers bloody lesson on blowback by Stephen Kinzer on - TopicsExpress


Iraq delivers bloody lesson on blowback by Stephen Kinzer on 26-06-2014 BRussells Tribunal The blowback from our long-ago interventions has long been evident. Now we can add Iraq to the list of countries where we mistakenly thought we could impose our will by force. Shiite militia members train in Iraq Tuesday, after Sunni extremists overran key cities. AFTER MANY decades in the covert-action business, Americans have come to learn what “blowback” means. Often our foreign interventions produce quick victory. Then things go bad. Short-term success dissolves into long-term failure. Many of our interventions have not only thrown target countries into violent upheaval, but weakened our own security. The recent explosion of militant power in Iraq is a new example of how serious this blowback can be. Our invasion in 2003 seemed to end reasonably well. There were few casualties. The dictator who defied us was deposed. Our leaders congratulated themselves for a “mission accomplished.” That triumphalism quickly faded as bladalarb.blogspot/2014/06/iraq-delivers-bloody-lesson-on-blowback.html
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 18:03:40 +0000

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