Iraq should have never existed as a country in the first place. It - TopicsExpress


Iraq should have never existed as a country in the first place. It is (was) an artificial geographic and political entity created by Europeans following WWI. Now it is over. The Kurds are separating in the northeast. The Sunni Arabs, led by ISIS fighters, have taken the northwest. For now, the Shiah have everything south of Baghdad, but the Sunnis, ethnically cleansed from Baghdad during the 2006-7 Surge, may well re-take this former seat of the Caliphate as well. This is historically how the area we call Iraq was settled since Islam arrived on the scene in the seventh century. The US would be wise to let these people settle their own affairs. juancole/2014/06/kurdistan-independence-intervene.html
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:52:08 +0000

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