Irish Senator David Norris Israel bombs first and weeps - TopicsExpress


Irish Senator David Norris Israel bombs first and weeps later. THERE WERE IMPASSIONED speeches from – amongst others – Independent David Norris and Labour’s John Whelan this afternoon, as senators returned to Leinster House to debate the Gaza conflict. A number of members also called for Ireland to expel Israeli ambassador Boaz Modai from the country as the upper house held a lengthy discussion on the topic. The Seanad was recalled from its summer break after pressure from senators on both the government and opposition sides, with this afternoon’s session beginning shortly after 2pm. Norris — who, of course, is well known for his outspoken contributions in the chamber — was among the first few speakers to reply. He said Ireland’s decision to abstain from last week’s UN vote had been “shameful, absolutely shameful” — and condemned US President Barack Obama “for his utter inaction” in bringing about a peaceful solution. Senator David Norris. Norris added that he had “no doubt” that the recent Israeli attacks on schools had been deliberate. How could anybody claim that they didn’t know what they were doing. Israel’s policy is shoot first, and weep afterwards: ‘oh, did we hit children, what a terrible tragedy’. “Nobody believes you anymore,” Norris said. You’re doing this to exert pressure on Hamas – but I tell you this: you will not resolve this problem until, like we did in this country, you involve both of the participants. “There’s no point in having any kind of alleged truce that only has one side in it,” he said, referring to attacks that took place last evening, during an Israeli-announced ‘partial humanitarian ceasefire’. Norris said that entire families had been “obliterated” and called for immediate lifting of the embargo on Gaza. And, calling for Ambassador Modai to be expelled, observed: He has his fingers in his ears all the time, and he just repeats slogans from Jerusalem. Concluding, Norris said the United Nations should accept full responsibility for the welfare of the people of Gaza. “If that means an international force going in, that’s fine,” he said, adding that the actions of the Israeli Government in recent weeks had amounted to ‘Nazism’.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:10:41 +0000

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