Iron Dome and/or God: I think there is an interesting - TopicsExpress


Iron Dome and/or God: I think there is an interesting conversation to be had. MIT scientists and other missile defence experts are making claims to the effect that the Iron Dome is actually massively ineffective, as low as an order of 0% success. They are citing other factors as responsible for the very low rate of death and injury in Israel and point out that there has been a lot of property damage. The MIT study actually mentions that luck is a factor. (Also the attached clip with Scientist-cum-kiruv nik Gerald Schroeder discussing how Nature, a scientific journal, cited luck as a major factor for the low injury and death count when Iraq sent scuds into Tel Aviv) Within the religious Jewish world, there is a claim that stands, regardless of whether the Iron Dome is effective or not, that God play an active role in Israels defence. Weve all heard in Shul in recent weeks its not the Iron Dome, its Hashem. Many will scoff at this, but is it worth a second thought, given that scientific journals are attributing the success to luck, and that Israel has somehow lucked out and survived or come out strongly from many (although not all) of its major wars? Link to MIT study: NY Times article on Iron Dome debate: Schroeder video (with God subliminal message): Im tagging rational thinkers across the religious spectrum on this one: David Philo Stam, Dov Bear, r Yoni Isaacson, r Rab Abe,רחמיאל עזרא טרביץ r, Gideon Slifkin, r Shlomo Pill, Todd Kadish,
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:44:53 +0000

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