Ironically ironical...... This happened in some bank - TopicsExpress


Ironically ironical...... This happened in some bank overseas: People were patiently lined up at the tellers, 1000hrs, no one served yet! Then declares a voice through the overhead speakers in the already packed banking hall: “We’re currently experiencing unforeseen system problems leading to a slow down of most computer processes. For this reason we shall not be able to serve you all today. We need to trim down on number of customers to a manageable size. On this note we politely ask all AFRICANS to leave the bank. You are free to come back tomorrow when hopefully the system will be back to full function”. The Africans quietly leave the bank. One hour later (1100hrs), no one is served yet, and the overhead voice declares again: We’re still experiencing a few problems which we’re fast solving but the number is still big. So, could all the ASIANS AND AUSTRALIANS leave. We greatly regret the undue inconvenience caused”. The Asians and Australians leave grumbling. One hour later (1200hrs), still no one is served. The voice declares again: “We’re almost there but we still have large numbers, the system may not cope. So, could all the AMERICANS leave. We’re deeply saddened by the inconvenience caused” The Americans leave grudgingly. At 1400hrs declares the masculine voice again: We’re nearly done but we’re still a couple too many. We kindly ask all the rest to leave apart from the Germans”. The order is followed with mumbling and twisting of faces. 1500hrs, voice declares finally: “Dear our much esteemed customers, we’re very sorry the system has completely failed to work! We’re extremely saddened by our failure to serve you! You can come back tomorrow as the technicians will be working overnight to rectify the problem”. This doesn’t go down well with the esteemed clients to which one retorts: “I knew it. They always favour the AFRICANS! That’s why they told them to leave much earlier because they knew the system wouldnt work anyway!”
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:14:55 +0000

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