Ironically, my reaction to meanness threatens to make me as mean - TopicsExpress


Ironically, my reaction to meanness threatens to make me as mean as the meanies. Par example, there are quite a few people who do not like that family on reality TV who has almost twenty children living and are fundamentalists, biblically. Fine. That really is fine. Heres the hypocrisy and meanness in it, though. MANY of these people go on-line looking for what that family is up to ... what they are saying and doing at every turn, and dissecting it ... calling THEIR actions hypocrisy. I dont know whether it is recreational or if they feel its their job to do it, but boy, do they ever do it. The difference between what the TV family does and what the reactors do, is the spirit. The big family does not say mean things about people. Ive never heard them say someone is ugly, invalid, unimportant, that people have no right ot their opinions and that they are angry because people dont agree with them ... all that. I have heard the people who seek them out hurt them deliberately. One said that the difference between the second daughter to wed and her husband from the first set was that the babies will be cuter. Folks lament that the eldest daughter is living some sort of Cinderella existence ... slaving away doing her mothers work, with constant tears in her eyes. Not so at all. Read a little more about her. Google it. This is her choice. Shes 24. She can leave, but chooses to stay, for good reasons. And she is not an old maid ... again with the irony. The very contemporary modern thinkers who think this family is dredged in misogeny and old-fashioned, tiresome lifestyle is reflecting some archaic belief that women of 24 are doomed to spinsterhood (cant even call it living single). Not all are called to marry, and not all are called to marry by 24. I dont care if someone doesnt get it that the dad believes he is the keeper of his daughters hearts until they are wed. I dont care if it is not understood that he means he will guard them with all hes got. I dont care if people dont get it that the mom lets the olders participate in rearing the youngers. (The olders stay on long after they could leave on their own ... it must not be so horrible.) I dont care if people dont get it. They should not be plain mean and seek ways to sound like evil trolls who go about looking for new ways to sound hateful. Hateful is easy . Im fighting it right now. But taking the high road - sticking to beliefs even when you look like a domestic cat in a fight with a ten-headed mutant mountain lion - that takes some guts. Some boldness. Some courage.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:57:13 +0000

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