Irony alert: My Against Intellectual Property - TopicsExpress


Irony alert: My Against Intellectual Property [stephankinsella/publications/#againstip], which calls for the abolition of patent and copyright, was first published as a journal article in 2001 and later as a monograph by the Mises Institute in 2008. Each time the publication said copyright [year] Mises Institute, which is factually incorrect since I never assigned copyright (publishers and journals make this mistake all the time; copyright is messy and arcane and confuses people). The Laissez-Faire books edition from 2012 carries the following notice: Copyright © 2008 Ludwig von Mises Institute Auburn, Alabama Published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. Introduction and Editorial Preface Copyright © 2012 by Laissez Faire Books Baltimore, Maryland All rights reserved. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 It is true that I wanted it published under CC-BY. But the two copyright statements are again factually incorrect, as I own the copyright to all this material (except perhaps the preface which Tucker wrote, the copyright to which is owned either by him or by LFB, under work for hire doctrine). I endeavor to publish everything to which I own copyright, copyright free. But this is impossible, since you cant get rid of copyright. see So I use CC-BY most of the time, b/c I fear CC0 is unenforceable. I am not even sure CC-BY is enforceable legally, but... what else can you do? I am sooooo tired of smartasses busting my balls for being a hypocrite because I oppose IP yet my work is copyrighted. Hey, morons: every work is copyrighted; its automatic and cant be gotten rid of--because of the damned copyright system you support and that I oppose!! They say well why was it copyrighted by Mises -- my answer: first, it was not. Second, whoever owns the copyright, its because of automatic operation of law. Putting a copyright notice on a work does not create the copyright; it exists no matter whether there is a notice or not. The notice is only intended to establish the date and owner--so that people can know who to contact. But often this is unreliable--as the case here (I own the copyright, not LFB or Mises). And there are no penalties for a misstatement. Its all a huge mess. Further, even if I was a hypocrite--this is a distraction. Nothing to do with the validity of my argument against IP. I also hear people say oh yeah well if you are against IP why dont you release the work into the public domain?! To which I say: this is literally impossible. Maybe they mean something like CC0 -- but the enforceability of this is dubious--due to the way copyright law works. (for more on IP smartasses: anyway, heres the irony part. the LFB 2012 edition is in epub and mobi only b/c it was only an ebook (I guess there would have been a PDF if there had been a print version, but there wasnt). So I tried today to load my epub and print-to-PDF; but adobe digital editions wont let me print the epub to PDF--says prohibited. My own fricking anti-IP work, which has a CC-BY on it, ... and the epub viewer wont let me print it, probably afraid of DRM or copyright issues! AUAUAUGHGHG
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 16:04:16 +0000

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