Irony of Czech politics: the most principled and intelligent Czech - TopicsExpress


Irony of Czech politics: the most principled and intelligent Czech politician is actually a Japanese. A Czech politician of Japanese origin (how many Japanese people became naturalized Czechrs?), Tomio Okamura, leader of Usvit (Dawn). Here is his interview (impefectly translated by google): Okamura: Havel behind their backs the Civic Forum pleaded with the Communist Party, dissent was riddled StB agents, the US may as thousands were tortured and Putin with Babis ... 17. 11. 2014 4:44 25 YEARS SINCE NOVEMBER 89 Chair Dawn Tomio Okamura criticizes the role of Václav Havel and Václav Klaus. During privatization, according to him, stole Republic. Current Communist Party, according to him less hateful than the war hawks in the TOP 09 (Karl Schwarzenberg) or social democrats (CSSD). Putin needs from their perspective defend Russia before the expansion of NATO and the EU in their surroundings and the US overthrew a number of governments and are responsible for thousands tortured. How do you rate Nov. 17 at a distance of 25 years? Still the same - change itself made sense. That is a lot of things went wrong was the inexperience of citizens. And heres inexperience, I mean from both perspectives, ie from the fact that citizens have allowed elites to do things that would elsewhere and sometimes failed. What brought positives in November 1989? Great hope, even naive, that ordinary people, citizens can govern in their own country. If I say naive, it does not mean that we did not have it on for a lifetime endeavor. Democracy is a process - it is fighting elites, be they past or present political and economic elite.) And what of the costs? Of course, the self-proclaimed leaders lied nation - which promised prosperity, social security, which claimed that not unemployment, inflation, poverty. He became just the opposite - while in the seventies came, I think, within the purges of around 50 thousand people on the function, here today have lost their jobs over half a million people, hundreds of thousands lost all their property because of fraudsters, thousands of companies and factories were irrevocably and private feeder destroyed. Conservationists say that twenty years of capitalism irrevocably destroyed more monuments than World War II and 40 years of communism together. Due to poverty, debt trap committed suicide by hundreds and thousands of people due to intractable debts committing crimes. Why do you fell communist system, specifically real socialism? At one time they did not want him almost nobody - people hoped for greater prosperity - and here clashed interest nomenclature official who wanted to live like a capitalist in the West, as well as the interest of the worker, who wanted to live as a laborer in the West. Unfortunately, it usually those filled first. Our capitalists are on the western level, but our workers are still in the Eastern bloc - the purchasing power of the population, and the poorest is reduced. Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of Communist Party Milouš Jakes said Reflex for the November 89 staged StB (General Lorenc) and no dissidents - Havel and Vondra - apparently not on merit, they just took over. And just had to rely on the Communists. Without Marian Calfa would apparently not been able to dictate neither government resolutions and Čalfa intimidate MPs to elect a president Vaclav Havel. What do you think about that? Lets be honest, that without pressure street, without a huge surge across the country, would those changes came later - the Communists saw it, and so they are smarter simply adapt to these changes and immediately began to swim with the stream. People like Havel then took advantage of these most active fish, and it is evident that here you all helped each other. None of the elites not undergo a revolution. I Havel himself escaped in a discussion that cooperates with the Deputy Rudolf Hegenbart communist government, which was ideologically subordinate General Alojz Lorenc, head of the secret police. And of course, behind the backs of the Civic Forum (OF) contended Havel agreement with the Communist Party through Čalfa was a course from witnesses know that Čalfa had fiercely as his business partner fight. But such is the world - if he had his Calf need Dubcek and today icon of revolution perhaps on. So how do you perceive the role of Vaclav Havel? An icon of democracy and revolution - but from my point of view very controversial. I think that maybe Historical Institute ČSAV (Academy of Science) should process at least a little bit of an objective study of words and deeds of Vaclav Havel. Among his fanatical followers and enemies dare not be the judge. And how do you assess the role of Klaus? I think that here it is the same as for Havel. Havel, anti-communist icon, was the last president elected unanimously by the communist parliament, also thanks to its high standard agreements with the Communists. Klaus tried to overturn the power relations toward economic oligarchy. I think we deserve some really well-researched analysis of the events and facts, we can judge. Im not a historian. As a politician, however, see the work of both unreal errors - and for me the question, why it happened, because the excuse of inexperience power does not apply to people who are familiar with the functioning of Western systems, which we could take and avoid the greatest crimes - the looting of the Republic. So you agree with the view that during the privatization stole Republic? This is not an opinion but a fact. They are people today better than before November? Thats pretty manipulative question. Today, citizens should better, even if some form of socialism preserve - even in China, people have more than 20 years ago, and in terms of the economy, so they are better off than the vast part of the planet. But back to us. We have other quality of life. We have freedom of speech, but nobody listens to our words. So you can shout about injustice and the alleluia you not arrest anyone, but the result is the same - nothing will not help against injustice. And the fact that there is injustice here, that you can see at every step. Every day I meet people who ask for help against the arbitrary rule of law, justice, system, or just have some powerful clique. Laws of the CPC Central Committee today does not write, but write the oligarchs - economic groups controlling policy. Just look at energy law, business law, corporate ethics and to find everywhere manuscript influential elites who bend legislation to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the country and citizens. What do you say proposals to ban the Communist Party? Currently reason escapes me - if it should be for the crimes of some communists in the previous regime, then in the same spirit that I had to seek a ban on most parliamentary parties for the crimes of their leaders after November 89. If it should be for ideological reasons, then me again escapes reason, because the current Communist Party is in my experience, less hateful than the war hawks in the TOP 09 or CSSD. What was criminal to the Communist Party, was that the idea of communism took an ax and mace as fanatics or pragmatists and under the guise of ideology destroy their opponents. Absolutely done the same thing, however, ideological fanatics and opportunists even in todays so-called democratic parties. And I say that it is in fact a type still the same people who only every other time waving a flag, but the evil is not in the flag, but in their soul. So yes - lets criminalize those who evoke hatred toward others, and lets say that impunity should not be induced not only hate the USA or Roma (Gypsies), but also against the Russians or anyone with a different political persuasion. I think the first thing that we are good people we can agree on is that in a democracy - that is true in the hypothetical, should have the same rights and duties of everyone and everyone should have in this case the same level of protection. I must say that these are the words of my colleagues from the movement who were dissidents and non-communists were not StB agents. Just like after the war became collaborators of the largest anti-fascists and socialist youth today are ex-communists and anti-communists largest. This confirms the fact, however, that this is not about ideology, but the problem is in the people. Compared to you by Czech company with the communist past? No. History is still twists and myths swell and abuse to manipulate people. Mainly with voters before the election. It should tell the truth - that there were Communist criminals. But also unable communists dissent riddled StB (secret police) agents and also decent against the Communists, who worked and lived for something he believed that it makes sense that there was a non-Charter-77 third resistance, which completely ignore programmatically media that there were also reform Communists, who demanded democracy and solidarity decent society. And that in this country were in 89 also factories and companies which export to the world, and that the so-called democracy then stole. And the vast majority of citizens of our country certainly did not want larcenous oligarchic system that prevailed mainly in the nineties. The third major post-Communist personalities Miloš Zeman. How do you rate him? Miloš Zeman has in post-revolutionary period, when he was in power, Havel and Klaus, in quotation marks less blood on their hands, because if not so ravenous for power as his colleagues and was also a critic from the beginning of the biggest atrocities. But again - Im not a historian, and in turn, Id like to read informed analysis on this topic. Some people here say that Putin is a communist KGB that to us from Russia comes a threat to democracy, threatening a return of communism by Putin and restore the Soviet Union. As you look at these opinions? Is it a real threat? Putins KGB, but definitely not a communist, as communists, as the public remain secret, in Russia and in opposition to the government has no involvement. Putin would be in our conditions was a national socialist. Additionally, in criticizing its people need to think about what we ourselves have done in his place. Unlike the US has no ambition to be the worlds policeman, but obviously can not commit nor anarchy in their country, nor in the immediate neighborhood. Lets measure everyone by the same standards. USA many times not in its neighborhood, but throughout South America in the name of democracy, both directly and indirectly overthrowing the government intervened militarily and are responsible for thousands tortured and murdered by right-wing dictatorships that Americans installed and supported. Imagine that Putin would need to be built in the Crimea its Guantánamo that Americans have built in Cuba, where they imprisoned people from all over the world without trial, without a warrant, only on the basis of its own suspicions? And what if the KGB had officially torture manuals - as it has allowed CIA? That would be crying, what Putin is a fascist. Yes, Putin is an autocrat, but has no choice - in Russia at the moment has no other form of government a chance to succeed. Putin needs from their perspective to defend Russia from the expansion of NATO and the EU to its surroundings - Ukraine after decades nurtured and when he at least pay debts for gas and other material assistance provided long-term Ukraine and Kiev called him as an enemy and suddenly became a harbinger of European democracy. After all, this is ridiculous. Like it warns Putin, and some, such as Miroslav Kalousek, warn Andrej Babis it said was a secret agent, and in conjunction with Babis warn of a return to communism, of a return of the secret police... Well, Mr. Kalousek jokes are one thing and reality another - about us that hardly begins to nationalize billionaire. The first would have to start with ourselves. But if you remind me of a billionaire, so many - not Babiš - would nationalize stolen property deserved. Strictly no socializing, but a fair trial should repeal many fraudulent and thieving privatization or other contracts that republic and our citizens prepare for billions of crowns. What we see as the biggest threat to democracy? Media without accountability, the media, which today are the main driver of public opinion and may - perhaps in the name of democracy - democracy contrary to successfully destroy - as in many cases already is. Note that when we talk about democracy, discusses the media rather than on principles, but on the surface, the wildcard problems, who, where, with whom. Problem democracies do not communists, Babis, Kalousek nor Zeman and democracy were not at all or charter Havel. The problem, and it still is a system in which we live - the party oligarchy controlled economic oligarchy. And experts - economists, philosophers, political experts warn of ossification of these systems, and the only solution that sees the strengthening of democracy - that is, control over citizens elites. Its called a little simplified direct democracy and its something totally mainstream media ignores, although this issue should be the number one topic as the key to solving the biggest problems of our country, but also throughout the EU.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:59:29 +0000

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