Irrecha: From Thanksgiving Ritual to Strong Symbol of Oromo - TopicsExpress


Irrecha: From Thanksgiving Ritual to Strong Symbol of Oromo Identity By Maatii, on August 23rd, 2013 (Waaqeffannaa, 23 August 2013) Traditionally, the Oromo practiced irrecha ritual as a thanksgiving celebration twice a year (in autumn and spring) to praise Waaqa (God) for peace, health, fertility and abundance they were given with regards to the people, livestock, harvest and the entire Oromo land. Irrecha is celebrated as a sign of reciprocating Waaqa in the form of providing praise for what they got in the past, and is also a forum of prayer for the future. In such rituals, the Oromo gather in places with symbolic meanings such as hilltops, river side and shades of big sacred trees. Here, I would like to make clear that Oromo people never worship any of these physical landscapes though some outsiders and detractors of Oromo culture and religion represent it as such. Rather, these physical landscapes are chosen for their representations in Oromo worldviews, for example, green is symbolized with fertility, peace, abundance and rain. In Oromia, the core center of irrecha celebration has been around Hora Arsadi in Bishoftu town, some 25kms to the south of Finfinne, the capital city. Annually, particularly during the Irrecha birraa (the Autumn Irrecha) in September or October, the Oromo from different parts of the country . . . → Read More: Irrecha: From Thanksgiving Ritual to Strong Symbol of Oromo Identity Leave a comment Oduu 2013 Annual Irreechaa festival is COMING!! By Maatii, on June 8th, 2013 (Waaqomsaa, 7 June 2013) It is with great pleasure that to invite you to the annual Irreechaa festival, Oromo National Thanksgiving day, of the year on Sunday 29 September 2013. Irreechaa Birraa is a celebration that repeats once in a year-in birraa and involves special activities or amusements as it has a lot of importance in our lives. It symbolizes the arrival of spring and brighten season with their vibrant green and daisy flowers. It’s a day all Oromian’s celebrate and cherish due to our ties to our root: Oromo Identity and country. It’s a time for reflection, celebration and a good connection with our best heritage, Oromummaa. Moving Forward: Promoting Oromummaa This year’s Oromian Irreechaa Festival is going to be bigger and better than ever, with a whole theme park devoted to diverse Oromian cultural exhibitions. The theme of this national Thanksgiving Day is “Moving Forward: Promoting Oromummaa” in which it aims to celebrate Irreechaa festivals to follow and promote our tradition and religion in society, to create public awareness where Oromo cultural and religious issues will be discussed to provide a better understanding of Oromo culture and history, to pave the way for promotion of the Oromo culture, history and lifestyle and to celebrate Irreechaa, . . .
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:38:32 +0000

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