Irregularities, logistics chaos mar Anambra poll Posted by: - TopicsExpress


Irregularities, logistics chaos mar Anambra poll Posted by: Augustine Avwode, Nwanosike Onu, Chris Oji, Odogwu Emeka Odogwu and Joseph Jibueze in Awka THE Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) wasted another opportunity to showcase its readiness for free and fair elections in the country. The Anambra State governorship poll was marred by disenfranchisement, logistic problems and violence. These rubbished the electoral body’s promise to test run its strategies for reliable elections, come 2015. A major admission that all was not well with the polls came from the commission itself last night when it rescheduled election in 65 units in Obosi ,Idemili Local Government Area of the State. The re-schedule was necessitated by the late arrival of voting materials in the affected wards. Some of the major candidates loudly complained over irregularities in the conduct of the election. The candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr Chris Ngige, alleged deliberate attempts by INEC to disenfranchise his supporters. He said voting materials arrived as late as 2pm in polling units in his strongholds. Ngige, who cast his vote at about 1.45pm at Unit 009, Nkwo Ide Public Square II, Alor Ward I, Idemili South Local Government Area, said he had no confidence in the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Anambra. Faulting the conduct of the election, Ngige said: “From reports reaching us, there is a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise voters in Idemili North, Idemili South, Awka South, portions of Dunukofia – all aimed at my voting strength areas. “Idemili North alone has 180,000 registered voters. In the last Senatorial election, it was a place I scored the highest number of votes, more than any other senatorial candidate. “Idemili South is also my home base. Parts of Aniocha like Ichida, Adazi-Enu – they have been voting for me. And in all these places, there was a shortage of electoral materials. “The worse is Idemili North where as I speak to you now (about 3pm yesterday), a lot of the centres have not gotten materials. “Some of the centres that have materials got theirs, say, by 1pm. And a majority of them don’t have result sheets among the materials given to them. “Therefore, you can roughly say that there is a deliberate attempt to suppress the wishes of the Anambra Central people to participate in making a governor.” His party threatened to reject the result of the elections except the irregularities were corrected immediately. It drew attention to the location of a polling station right under a giant billboard of the APGA candidate, Chief Willie Obiano, at Aguleri in violation of the Electoral Act. The PDP candidate, ComradeTony Nwoye; the Labour Party flag bearer, Mr. Ifeanyi Ubah and candidate of Progressive People’s Party (PPA), Chief Godwin Ezeemo, also kicked over INEC’s handling of the election. In the case of Nwoye, he and his parents could not vote as their names were missing from the voters register. The APGA candidate, Chief Willie Obiano, however, expressed satisfaction with the arrangement. In Alor, the immediate ward of the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Senator Chris Ngige, only 72 names were found in the register of 600 voters. In the case of Nwoye, his name was not found at all and so could not vote at his polling booth in his hometown, Nsugbe. Also, his parents, who had accompanied him, were also not able to vote just as was the case with many others. Their names were conspicuously missing in the voters register at their polling booth. Nwoye’s mentor and chief financier, Chief Arthur Eze, also could not vote. His name was also missing. INEC officials could not give reasons for the omission of their names. They were all carrying valid voters’ card. Nwoye said the rigging of the election was pre-planned. Late accreditation and other sundry logistics also contributed in no small way in denting the electoral exercise. For instance, the exercise, which ought to have begun by 8am, was yet to start in most places visited as at 10am. At Ogbankwa, in Awka South Local Government Area, with 20 wards, voters patiently waited for materials to arrive. At Unit 26 in Ward 3, Ezinano, Agulu LGA, accreditation began at about 9.30am. About nine persons had been accredited when The Nation visited. There was confusion over a voting centre in Nziko in Oyi Local Government Area as two major polling units had to be urgently relocated for security reasons. Voters were said to have come out for accreditation but did not meet any voting officer there. It led to panic calls to INEC headquaters but it was later learnt that National Commissioner in charge of Oyi LGA Ambassador Ahmed Wali intervened to resolve the problem. The centre, said to be located inside a thick forest, is referred to as a notorious rigging centre in Anambra. Political parties, such as the APC had to cry out to INEC for the centre to be relocated. It was learnt that the centre was eventually moved near a school. However, in Anambra East and West, accreditation went on smoothly. Obiano was accredited at about 10.30am at his Ward in Aguleri, Anambra East. Presiding Officers were forced to extend the time allotted for accreditation of voters. Most voting units visited in Aguata Local Government complained of similar challenges. In a voting centre at the Civic Centre in Umuchu Ward 1, accreditation was said to have started a few minutes to 11am. Ezeemo said the presiding officer in Civic Centre Unit 001 asked him to return by 2.30pm when voting would start. “INEC officials told me voting will start by 2.30pm because materials arrived late. “The Presiding Officer said there were delays. But it’s still early in the process for me to suspect any foul play. “Reports I have received from other places also show that materials arrived late in various centres. In my unit, accreditation started by 10.58am,” Ezeemo said. Electoral officers in Ihiala Local Government Area encountered logistics problems caused by the postings of some ad-hoc staff. Some National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members who were posted as polling unit officers were said to have been reposted. There were also reports that they were protesting over non-payment of allowances. Those of them who learnt of the reposting after arriving at their units had to wait for the new officers to come and take over. This is said to have occasioned further delays in the accreditation exercise in most polling centres. Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Mr Afam Obi, who worked as an observer in the poll, confirmed that accreditation started late in some centres due to the reposting. “There were logistic problems in some units I visited, though in others centres accreditation started on time. “There have been no reports of any crisis from this end so far, except the lapses recorded due to the reposting of ad-hoc staff,” Obi said. Asked about the legal implication of voting not stating by 12noon as scheduled, the lawyer said there is always room for contingencies. “You always have to accommodate unexpected developments,” Obi added. Two people were reportedly shot in Amaenyi, Awka South Local Government Area while allegedly attempting to snatch ballot boxes. However, Obiano praised the electoral umpire for a job well done. He spoke soon after casting his vote at his Eri Primary School, Ward 1, Aguleri, Anambra East Local Government Area. The APGA national chairman, Chief Victor Umeh, who voted at Aguluzigbo Ward 1, Unit 18 at the town hall, said the reports he got across the state showed that INEC had demonstrated enough goodwill in the conduct of the election. He said he did not agree there was low turnout of voters, adding that security was very adequate. #NationNews
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:25:38 +0000

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