Irreversible Decline? One of the great scams of capitalism is - TopicsExpress


Irreversible Decline? One of the great scams of capitalism is the pretense of a free market. We are raised in the Land of the Free to believe it is operated by a supernatural invisible hand, and that it is free of manipulation, as honest as could be. When the capitalists tell me such things I get a firm grip on my wallet. The last thing capitalists want is a free market-- pay no attention to what they say, watch what they do. Back at the turn of the twentieth century Republican Teddy Roosevelt wrapped their knuckles when they formed monopolies and there was some attempt to maintain competition with which to even up the playing field. The capitalists got around that by buying more and more of the politicians, until the current era, when they own the White House, Capitol Bldg, and Supreme Court, lock, stock and barrel. With this comes the laws, the treasury, and anything else they want. To pretend competition in many areas there are two or three corporations which control a particular commodity. To anybody who believes these few companies do not conspire I have a wonderful bridge in Brooklyn I will sell you at a bargain price. In the following piece Mike Whitney takes us into the current manipulation of oil prices. There has never been a free market on oil, nor anything else which brings massive profit. John D. Rockefeller once controlled all US oil and about a fourth of the oil abroad. One man. That is capitalism working the way our ruling Forces of Greed intend for it to work. Today it is a little more complicated -Jack Balkwill To join the Liberty Underground news service go here: or join our Facebook group here: https://facebook/groups/461619557192964/ email: libertyuv@hotmail Tell your friends about LUV News because some people just dont get it
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:05:07 +0000

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