Is Afghanistan the forgotten war? In the Presidents State of the - TopicsExpress


Is Afghanistan the forgotten war? In the Presidents State of the Union speech last week, he stated that the war in Afghanistan is over, but is it? The President recognized one of the Soldiers (Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg) recovering from a roadside bomb that caused severe injuries. No where in the Presidents speech, did he mention the threat that the Taliban represent to our Soldiers still in Afghanistan, or the bombmakers who were recently released from jail by the Afghan President this week. The Afghan President earlier this week made the insulting and paranoid statement claiming that the United States is working with the Taliban to attack Americans and international civilians in Kabul and across Afghanistan. The Afghan people clearly see through these lies while the international community wonders how can the Afghan President claim the Americans are responsible for the violence while he simultaneously releases Taliban bombmakers from jail. Many questions are raised, is one of the freed bombmakers responsible for the injuries to the recovering Soldier? Why is the American President traveling to push his lone illogical socialist agenda, rather than staying in Washington, DC to negotiate with the Afghans on the long term strategic security pact? Why isnt the President placing diplomatic pressure on the Afghan President to keep the captured Taliban bombmakers in jail? Iraq is descending into chaos with Syria in a civil war due to the growing Al Qaeda threat. Pakistan is in turmoil due to Taliban attacks and Sunni Islamist terrorist bombings on the Shia Muslims. Egypt is struggling to fight the violent Sunni Islamists and their oppression towards Christians and women. The Afghan Presidential elections are in April and the security pact between our countries has not been signed. The Middle East is in flames, while the President and his blind supporters are more concerned about closing down Hobby Lobby just because they refuse to provide optional prescription birth control due to their religious beliefs. The President and his supporters should be more concerned about protecting American lives rather than oppressing a private companys desire to support women who want to give birth and raise children. Our men and women serving in Afghanistan deserve better than what the President and his inept Administration have done these past three years. The Vice President, the Secretary of State, Senator McCain, Senator Feinstein, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Robert Menendez, Representative Frank Pallone, Representative Rush Holt, and Representative Nancy Pelosi all need to resign. Our men and women serving overseas are giving their best effort to serve our Nation and help others, including giving women the right to an education, to drive, to work, and vote in Afghanistan. They deserve better politicians than those currently in office who are supporting the horrible and selfish Presidential agenda.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:59:05 +0000

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