Is Astrology a Better Tool for Delving into your Psyche than - TopicsExpress


Is Astrology a Better Tool for Delving into your Psyche than conventional psychology? The Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most commonly used assessments to determine individual differences in personality or temperament in populations. Briggs and her daughter Briggs Meyers extensively studied Carl Jungs Psychological Types which were based on the four principal ways (sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling in which we experience the world. Carl Jung was himself greatly fascinated and influenced by astrology and it is said that his four psychological types or four principal ways were based on the cosmological elements of astrology. 1. Now while, the MBTI assessments gives 16 different temperament types, Astrology can give rise to 144 people archetypes by just combining just the zodiac and house number in the horoscope. By using other astrological parameters such as number and type of planets, we can have many times that number of personality and temperament types. So horoscope analysis accounts for more individualistic and unique personality characterization than psychological assessments. (As an aside, the 16 temperament types do correlate with the 16 people archetypes in tarot but that is another topic). 2. The other major difference between psychology and astrology is that psychology can only give an insight into the current psychological state of the person but astrology can predict how a person can evolve further and future changes in his temperament or personality. Personally, when I had my first EMA astrology consultation, the seed of my horoscope was the 7th house of structured relationships and my life revolved around relationships. But soon after that, the pattern of my life changed, there was a major breakdown in life and through in this highly challenging time of my life, there was also grace but the fabric of my self was materially changed. My identity gradually changed from seeing myself as the other half of all socially defined intimate relationships to one who wanted to experience the deep mysteries of life . Even existing intimate relationships took that route and new ones that were formed were highly mystical. Relationships that were strictly based on social structures started to fade away for one reason or another. This movement perhaps evolution from someone who enjoyed socially defined intimacy to one who relished deep mystical experiences can only be predicted by astrology.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:48:40 +0000

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