Is Ed Miliband heading for the exit as party leader? Hard not to - TopicsExpress


Is Ed Miliband heading for the exit as party leader? Hard not to begin to think this. The past nine days have seen three lack-lustre performances from the leader of the Labour Party, and would-be Prime Minister. First, his belated intervention in the Scottish referendum debate which had all the conviction if a damp tea towel facing a raging forest fire, was pretty pathetic and unconvincing. Only Jim Murphy and Gordon Brown put their backs into it, and by 9.30 on Sunday morning Miliband had told Andrew Marr that Brown would not be making a comeback to front line politics! Second, Tuesday morning this week and he forgets his lines at the Labour Party conference, on economics of all things! While one can admire his willingness to take risks by having a conversation rather than delivering from a script, to my mind this-his last big set piece speech before the election season opens-was not the time to experiment. He should have learnt that by now! Third, in the crucial debate on whether to use British forces to attack ISIL, he didnt have anything new to add to the party. George Galloway MP, the sole representative of the Respect party at Westminster, cut more ice than Miliband. Its probably too late for the party to change leaders, this close to the election, so Im not holding my breath hoping for an outright win by Labour. Shame really, he seems a nice chap. Looks like another dose of Cameron, or something less pleasant from his right, in May 2015.!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:15:17 +0000

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