Is Education Ministry covering up to justify the arrest of Tamil - TopicsExpress


Is Education Ministry covering up to justify the arrest of Tamil school teachers. PDRM’s arrest of 10 Tamil School teachers doesn’t seem to have a basis now On the 20th September 2014, I issued a statement raising the question whether there was indeed a racial witch hunt on the arrest of 10 Tamil school teachers who have no connection whatsoever in the UPSR exam leak as the actual allegedly leaked papers belonged to the Sekolah Kebangsaan Schools. The Tamil schools have a different set of exam papers and exam codes. It is a great shock to read news published that an officer from the Malaysian Examination Syndicate (LPM) lodged a report that the Tamil and Mathematics paper bearing the codes for Tamil schools were also leaked at the Precinct 7 police station in, Putrajaya at 11am yesterday . The said Police report lodged at Putrajaya yesterday at 11 am raises the following questions and creates further doubts in the minds of ordinary citizens: 1) If the alleged leak in Tamil Schools were reported to Police today, why then did the PDRM arrest those 10 teachers from Tamil schools days before there was any complaint of leak? 2) Why is the Malaysian Examination Syndicate making the report almost 11 days after the examinations? 3) Why is the Malaysian Examination Syndicate hurriedly making this report on a Sunday especially after Hindraf alleged a possible racial witch hunt to pin the blame on Tamil school teachers when the alleged leak was at the Sekolah Kebangsaan. 4) What was the basis of arresting the 10 Tamil School teachers in the first place when there was no complaint made of any leak in the Tamil school exam papers? 5) Are the PDRM and Education Ministry both colluding to cover up further after the possibility of racial witch hunt was legitimately and logically raised by Hindraf? 6) Since the original allegation of leak took place in the Sekolah Kebangsaan exam papers which was apparently published on Facebook, why weren’t top officers at the Examination syndicate arrested or remanded as they were the ones in charge of the safe rooms where the papers were stored or the Chief Invigilator who were responsible of opening the seal of the question papers? 7) It came to our attention that about 6 officers from the Examination syndicate were called for their statements to be recorded as part of the investigations. Why the same couldn’t be done to those arrested teachers, after all they are in a noble profession and deserve respect. Are the Police ignoring Article 8 of the Federal Constitution that guarantees every citizen are entitled to equal protection of the law and be treated equally under the law? 8) Hindraf raised the question of a possible cover up. Looking at the current scenario and the latest police report hurriedly made on a Sunday by an officer from the examination syndicate, it appears and gives perception that there is indeed a further cover up being attempted by unseen hands at the top level in the education Ministry. 9) Why aren’t there any arrest and remand of top Education Ministry and Examinations syndicate officers when lower ranking teachers are arrested and remanded? Was there actual suspension of The Director of Examinations syndicate and his Deputy as announced by Education Minister Tan Sri Muhideen? 10) Is there a deliberate attempt to divert the attention of the public as the pressure is building for the Education Minister to take ministerial responsibility by resigning? Hindraf urges the Education Ministry officials to stop the witch hunt of lower ranking officers ie teachers. The safety and secrecy of the exam papers is under the authority of top ranking Ministry officials and hence actions should be taken at the top level rather than pinning the blame on ordinary teachers. Hindraf maintains its earlier stand that there is a serious perception of racial witch hunt amongst the public as innocent Tamil school teachers were arrested and remanded when the leak took place in the Sekolah Kebangsaan papers. And it now appears they have lodged report to justify previous arrests when in fact they have put the cart before the horse. P.Waytha Moorthy Chair HINDRAF 22.9.2014
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:22:24 +0000

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