Is God is in Control? Is God in Control? That is a - TopicsExpress


Is God is in Control? Is God in Control? That is a controversial question that has frequently plagued the church for centuries and is one of the most falsely preached sermons by deceptive money hungry preachers. But yet the answer is very simple. Yes he is in control, but he is only in control of the natural and supernatural. He does not interfere with the individual willpower of human beings. Therefore God is not in control of what a Man will do to his fellow Man. God can lead you to do something, God can speak to your heart and inspire you to do things, But God will never force you to do anything. That is why the Bible is not a book of destiny, but is instead a book about decisions. You must decide to accept Jesus as Lord; you must decide to do the will of God; you must decide to serve God and to serve others. God is never going to force you to do it. If God was truly in control of mankind actions, then we couldn’t prosecute criminals because they were only doing the will of God. There would be no reason for Hell to exist, because God would be behind every evil deed that man does. If God was in control of what people do, then there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross because everyone who lives a sinful lifestyle would be doing so because it would be God’s will for them. The truth is that the will of God is rarely done by Mankind. Jesus Christ knew this to be true, and this is why Jesus said to pray for the will of God to be done. It pleases God for man to do his will, it is this fact and this fact alone that God holds everyman accountable for the stewardship of his time on Earth. You can be saved by the blood, but still not live a life that is pleasing to God. There are saved people who sincerely believe John 3:16 and go to church every Sunday. And yet, those same people have never lifted a finger to serve God, to serve their church, their community, their neighbor, or to serve those less fortunate that they are. Many false preachers will tell their congregations that God is controlling everything and has a destiny waiting for them and that they just need to keep doing what they are doing and giving money to their ministry and God will make all of their dreams come true. This is a very dangerous belief. It implies that God is a form of Spiritual Santa Claus, who is just waiting to grant your wildest wishes, wants and desires if you just believe. The false belief in this un-truth can lead to spiritual disgruntle ness, and can even leave someone questioning God when their prayers go unanswered, or even angry at God because bad things came into their lives. Belief in this popular un-truth has even led some Christians to give up on God entirely and become atheist. If God is in Control of everything, then why are there wars? Why do millions starve to death for a lack of food? Why do millions people around the world live in constant fear of being murdered by corrupt governments? Why do murderous cocaine and heroin drug cartels in Third World countries are billionaires while devoted Christian believers in those same countries live in extreme poverty? I will tell you why- God is not in control of those situations. – If God is not in Control of those situations then who is? … … … Men! Mankind makes war, not God. There is plenty enough food in this world to feed everyone, but Mankind chooses not do feed the hungry. Men with guns are the ones who form those murderous corrupt governments. Mankind is the ones who ignore poor Christians living in the Third World countries and made the drug cartels filthy rich. Mankind did these things… … NOT GOD! Again, the bible is a book about decision, not destiny. The truth is that God does have a will and purpose for your life. But achieving that will primarily depend on your willingness to surrender to his will for you. Once you have a clear indication for God’s will in your life (which could take several years to find out), it is up to you to decide to obey that will and purpose. You must pray honest prayers that come from the voice in your heart. God is not impressed by expensive materialistic things, so he is never going to answer a prayer for a new Porsche sports car. You need to pray for Godliness, truth, wisdom and knowledge. God is a good God, you can trust him. He just wants you to accept (believe) his son as your savior, worship him, Love him and obey his commandments. Yes, you are going to stumble and make mistakes. And when you make mistakes and stumble still keep trusting in God, because that is his will, you just have got to decide to do that will. ----- Gary N. Sawyer Jr.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:04:13 +0000

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