Is God really love! Then how bad things came into existence in - TopicsExpress


Is God really love! Then how bad things came into existence in this world. Bible does not say that God is loving, but “God is love”. We know “loving” is an adjective only. That means if you want to know what real love is, look at God. Love requires freedom. If we force love on somebody, then we call it with an ugly word “rape”. But we have to know something, freedom involves risk. When you give freedom to somebody, there is every chance that he can go wrong also, using that freedom. But as we have seen before, if somebody has to truly love us, then he/she should be given real freedom. Then another variable, comes into the picture. Risk entails responsibility. That means, if there is risk involved, then the person who is given that freedom, should use that freedom with responsibility. Bible says about how the sin came into the world. Jesus talks about a parable – “The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares” (Matthew 13:24-43), where the owner of the field planted only good seeds in his field. Suddenly one day weeds came up. When his servants asked him from where the weeds came up, he said “an enemy has done this”. Satan means just an adversary or enemy. It is the equivalent of the Hebrew word pronounced as “saw-tawn”. But amazingly, God did not make an enemy. God made only a beautiful, perfect being. But God give a precious yet dangerous gift to him, freedom. As we have seen before, without which this Lucifer cannot really worship or love God. Just think, you programmed your computer, to tell you, “I love you”, frequently. Do you feel happy or feel being loved, by hearing it. You know that it do not have the freedom to say otherwise. Thus in short, love needs freedom, and freedom involves risk and risk necessitates responsibility. Watch
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:29:20 +0000

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