Is He The One? 15 Ways To Know You’re In The Right - TopicsExpress


Is He The One? 15 Ways To Know You’re In The Right Relationship Think about it. You’ve been dating this one person for awhile. Things are going great. Trust is growing as are emotions and one day you start to think that this relationship could be the one that makes you truly happy, inside and out. Though there’s no science to knowing whether or not your relationship is the one, there are some tell-tale signs that you’re in a good relationship. Here are 15 ways to know you’re in the right relationship. Plan B doesn’t exist. Having an exit plan or a go-to plan in case the relationship goes sour is okay for some, but if you’re in the right relationship, this plan doesn’t exist. With a plan b in mind, it shows that you think about the relationship ending. With the right person at your side, this plan doesn’t exist. Communication is encouraged and practiced. We all know the dangers of letting things dwell and stew in our minds. But, in the right relationship, dwelling is a thing of the past. Instead, you two talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, including annoyances, fears, and so on. You don’t fear the relationship. Falling in love and committing to just one person is a big fear for many people, women and men included. When you reach the point that fear and anxiety are no longer a part of your life or your relationship, you just may be in the ideal partnership. Being able to love and trust one another without any hesitation is a good sign. Fights happen. Everyone likes to say that fighting in a relationship is bad and can be a relationship deal breaker. However, agreeing on every single thing is not ideal either. It’s healthy to fight, as long as fights don’t escalate into something more. You don’t snoop. If you’ve found that you don’t have the urge to look through your partner’s cellphone, Facebook messages, or email, it’s a good sign that you trust him/her. Trust is a big part of any relationship and without it you’re bound to fail. A true lack of snooping means a lot of trust Inspire each other to become better people. Of course, no one should go into a relationship hoping to change their partner, but we all have flaws. In the right relationship, you’ll find that you both inspire each other to change for the better. Knowing that you have someone else’s support to change for the better is definitely a confidence boost. Nothing comes between your relationship. Fights, arguments, career choices, and hardships are bound to be a part of any relationship, since they’re a part of life. However, if you’re in the right relationship, nothing comes between you and your significant other. The bond you have should always remain strong, no matter what. There are no secrets between the two of you. Relationships are all about being open, vocal, and truthful about the past, present, and the future. You’re in the right relationship when you know the good and bad of each other. Past debt, future plans, and health problems should all be well known. If the truth flows, you’re all set. You put everything on the line. Relationships involve a lot of risk and having the guts to put everything on the line, including your heart, says a lot. If you’re in a relationship that you give your all to, you’re doing it right. The risk of having your heart broken is a small factor compared to your amazing relationship. You just know. If you ever sit and think or just have a feeling that this relationship is the one and that this one is for the long haul, you’re probably right. Your gut feeling and the deepest thoughts in your heart mean a lot. Just knowing says a lot.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 18:50:17 +0000

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