Is His Covering Not Enough You cant tame a wild ox! Several - TopicsExpress


Is His Covering Not Enough You cant tame a wild ox! Several people have asked me to join their ministries, but where in scripture does it say I have to be on anyones role to be apart of the Body. Im accountable to Him, before my OWN MASTER DO I STAND OR FALL! Scripture teaches us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together and I dont! But when you can answer this parable: Johns baptism was it of God or man? Then I will tell you by whose authority I do these things! And what that question really means. A minister I respected suggested I join their ministry but I need to tone it down a little, but what this minister didnt know is that God revealed to me that in my PROSPERITY I had become complacent and that is how other more obvious sins infiltrated my life. Turn down for what! You tell me who I should obey the Bishop or God? Dont answer minds made up, God it is! I am not asking for permission, but this promise has been spoken, I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. These false prophets speak of peace, but how can there be PEACE when the idolatry of Laodicea (the church) is so great! (John 3:18, 19) 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT IS CONDEMNED ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Hes already given His son expressing His love for the world, but even His love must be received and those who do not receive (OBEY) Him are under His judgment already! Yes, we show patience to the sinner for he is a sinner, and to the babe, for he is a babe, but to men stand as men and to the women stand as women for the apostasy, the falling away, IS UPON US! Who is this Jesus, you preach!? MY JESUS (Yashiya) came as a lamb but returns as LION! Ananias and Sapphire died for lying to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament! Elymas for his craftiness left Paul blind in the New Testament! And Jesus (Yashiya) gonna get His white robe soiled with the blood of His enemies in the New Testament! Go read the book and youll see that I am telling you the truth! We dont propagate the gospel by the sword, but read the book Jesus (Yashiya) draws first blood! Nevertheless, behold, the axe sits at the root of the tree and every tree and every tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire! You say once saved always saved. You liar! It is written, if a righteous man turns from His righteousness he and is work will no longer be remembered! You liar! It is written, for willful sin there is no more blood sacrifice but fearful expectation of firey indignation! Scripture also speaks of a sin unto death and tells the believer if a brother commits this sin, I would have you not even pray for it, indicating that the man or woman who turns to the reprobate mind, those who knew Him but would not acknowledge Him or retain Him in their minds are in danger of hell fire, and he or she who maliciously, knowingly speaks against the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness, whether previously saved or not. But these are they that have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness, and are already being judged accordingly! Who thinks that there money can save them! May your money perish with you! Fat pigs have the most meat, but since I discovered Im a Jew no more swine do I eat! Some of you think Im arrogant, dont you? I have no faith in my own abilities apart from God, but have you not read, the righteous are as bold as lions! I simply say what needs to be said and can care less if you like, because I dont need your amen or your offerings! To Gods wilderness I return! This camel skin is getting more and more comfortable and this locust and honey although an acquired taste, I now love! Now run and tell that to your god, I mean your bishop!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:57:50 +0000

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