Is Jesus Christ a Space Alien? The U.S. Governments Red Book is an - TopicsExpress


Is Jesus Christ a Space Alien? The U.S. Governments Red Book is an Above Top Secret document that details the TRUE history of the Human race on planet Earth. It is a human compendium of information derived from extraterrestrials, who offered the U.S. undeniable proof of historical events. One of the revelations exposed in the Red Book is that Jesus Christ was a creation of one particular Alien group (EBE-2). Jesus was a genetically-engineered human-alien hybrid sent to Earth to teach the primitive Humans a lesson of love and tolerance. As writer Arthur C. Clarke said, Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Is it any wonder that ancient people were fooled by the miracles of Jesus? This wasnt the first time extraterrestrials tried to influence human affairs. Previously, they successfully appeared to Moses as a burning bush and dumped the 10 Commandments on mankind. The Aliens thought The Christ Project would be no different, but needless to say, their little experiment went horribly awry. For more /// U.S.A. have been in contact with alien civilization. JFK tried to expose the truth that alien extraterrestrial life is among us but was assassinated. Read more / Irena Sjekloca Miler: Human beings are of extraterrestrial origin! In 2014 we are going to find out that the man is of extraterrestrial origin. The solar system is an artificial creation. Scientists will announce in 2014 that the solar system is an artificial creation.To be more precise, it will be revealed that it is a machinery, and not of natural origin,as we used to think. The Sun, the Moon and the other planets are repairing and cleaning at present, thus a large number of alien spaceships are circling all around,even around our planet and our sky. The Moon has been also artificially created and in the past it was dragged closed to the Earth, in order to maintain its gravity. P.S. Planet Earth will be equipped with a help of the more evolved universe to step into 4D, and we will endure everything: cold, heat, disasters, crises and UFOs. Listen only to your heart and be constructive, not destructive, aggressive or fearful. Let us be positively active about the people around us, the planet and the universe. This year we have one requirement - to learn two cosmic laws: the first one is to love our planet and the universe, and the second is to learn that only our thought creates our world, destiny and our future. Thus, let us take a positive attitude and unite with similar people on the planet, because it is the only way to learn faster and make evolutionary progress in this stormy, but very crucial times. Times in which the all of us live together on planet Earth.The higher universe,into which all of us are going to sail, without exception in 2013, expects that from us and it tells us clearly by powerful fusion of our human consciousness with the alien presence on this planet and around it, unprecedentedly. For more:
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:10:46 +0000

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