Is Jesus the focus of your life and of your ministry? I find - TopicsExpress


Is Jesus the focus of your life and of your ministry? I find that most, if not all of our problems can be traced back to one source: not being in alignment with the Will of God and the Word of God. What am I saying here? Im saying to check your motives at the door. Do you do things to please yourself regardless of what the Word of God teaches about them? Ive recently had a person desiring to join one of my ministerial groups. So, I did my usual screening, running a quick background check on his timeline to see what type of things he was off into. And what I found made me want to decline his membership. Not because he was carnal, but because I were afraid of what might get posted in the ministry by this young man who was parading his worldliness. I mean he had a generous supply of photos depicting himself with stacks of cash in his possession. I mean bundles and bundles of $100 bills. He also had endless photos of exploited (half-dressed) women in provocative poses. Finally, there were photos where he was showing his pride for the various handguns in his possession. So, Im seeing this young mans god (Satan) as plain as daylight...and it reminded me of how lost I were, just as he is lost right now. Serving so many masters of sin, yet believing that I were still a Child of God. So, did I allow this young man to join my ministry? You bet I did. Why? Because he is who Jesus came to save. This man cannot see his error until he is exposed to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He cannot turn from darkness until he can see the Lord, who is the Light of men. He cant hate his lifestyle until he can hear the Gospel that causes him to have a renewed way of thinking. And in his regeneration he will then begin to love the Lord... for thats the only way he will comprehend and learn to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then the things which truly matter most and that cause true fulfillment will be added unto him. See, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Christ didnt come to condemn, therefore its not my place to condemn either. I were sent to preach the Gospel, just as Christ came to bring salvation to ALL mankind. For no disciple is above The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I hope you join me for the conclusion of this lesson in: ▬Is Jesus the focus. May the Good Lord bless you richly.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:12:28 +0000

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